IcoFX v3.4 + Portable 多語言註冊版-圖標編輯工具
IcoFX是一款免費的好用的圖標編輯工具,讓您輕鬆創建Windows 7和Windows 10等軟件圖標。在編輯區您可以輕鬆的預覽、保存、更改您的圖標。您可以將您喜歡的圖像轉換為圖標或圖標轉換為圖像。內置40多個效果,強大的亮度、對比度、飽和度、色調調整工具讓您輕鬆修飾圖標。

除此之外,你還可以在Windows Vista中完美使用,因為IcoFX支持PNG格式。在IcoFX中,你可以添加多達40種不同的特效,增加透明度,定義瀏覽器,導入導出圖標並從dlls中提取圖標等等。毋庸置疑IcoFX就是這樣一款高效實用的應用程序,快來使用IcoFX創建並編輯圖標吧,就是如此簡單。

*數據類型2, 16, 256,真彩色,真彩色+ Alpha
Version 3.2.1 (10.09.2018)
* Fixed issues in the Welcome window
* Added missing translations
* Fixed High DPI issues (incorrect scaling in some cases)
* [Fixed] Crash when the theme was not found or loaded incorrectly
* [Fixed] Crash when setting the UI to full screen
* Minor enhancements and bugfixes
Version 3.2 (07.08.2018)
+ High DPI support
+ Create Mobile Icon dialog (Business license)
+ Command to create mobile icon in the Script dialog (Business license)
+ Added recent files to the Run Script windows
+ Option to show/hide the tool thumbnail in the cursor
* Improved file association under Windows 10
* Improved the color picker tool
* Ability to open 16×15 toolbar image strips
* [Fixed] Batch Extract dialog not working
* [Fixed] In some cases the Canvas Resize resized also the image
* [Fixed] Crash when opening an inexistent script file
* [Fixed] Local toolbar was visible even if it was disabled
* Enhancements and bugfixes
Version 3.1 (12.09.2017)
+ New panel docking engine
+ Document tabs can be rearranged
+ Ctrl+Tab shortcut to select next document
+ Ctrl+Shift+Tab shortcut to select previous documnet
+ Icofx script editor (Business license)
+ New welcome window
* [Fixed] Additional scaling issues on high DPI monitors
* [Fixed] Folder icon customization issues
* Minor enhancements and bugfixes
Version 3.0.3 (14.04.2017)
* [Fixed] Scaling issues on high DPI monitors on Windows 7
Version 3.0.2 (11.04.2017)
* [Fixed] Scaling issues on high DPI monitors on older Windows versions
Version 3.0.1 (04.04.2017)
+ Android icons are saved to mipmap folders drawable of drawable
* [Fixed] Advanced Import dialog is not working in some cases
* [Fixed] Crash when opening more than 30 files
* Minor bugfixes
Version 3.0 (21.03.2017)
+ Import form SVG files
+ Text styles
+ Search box for quick command execution
+ Record image adjustments and effects to “actions” and play them back later
+ Batch process images to quickly apply actions (Business license)
+ Option to combine images with similar names to icons
+ Batch combine images to icons dialog (Business license)
+ “Replace Image” menu option
+ Option to show/hide ruler on the canvas
+ Full support for the lates Mac icon (icns) format
+ “Recent Colors” popup menu
+ Global color picker
+ One click automatic updates
+ Full screen menu item
+ Reworked shortcut engine
+ Added shortcut for previous/next/first/last brush
+ Pan/Zoom the canvas using the mouse wheel and the Shift/Ctrl keys
+ Font preview for the font selection combobox of the text tool
+ Added quick access to set the checker color in the popup menu of the canvas
+ Option in popupmenu to allow reordering of styles, gradients, brushes and swatches
+ Popup menu for the undo button containing undo history
+ Recent files show a preview
+ Option to show image previews in the Windows taskbar
+ Replaced “ Delete More Images” with “Image Manager” window to make reordering easier
+ Sidebar thumbnail size can be changed via popup menu
+ Exe/Dll/Icl/Cul files can be dragged to the resource editor to open
* [Fixed] Crash when opening an icon with invalid ICONDIR entry
* [Fixed] Crash when batch creating icons from invalid/corrupted image files
* [Fixed] Saturation and Brightness sliders on “Replace Color” dialog
– Removed “Properties” window
* Enhancements and bugfixes
IcoFX v3.4
https://pan.baidu.com/s/17739NG7DthPuB__E3jzGqQ 提取码:us5r