免費虛擬機VirtualBox v6.1.6 Build 137129
VirtualBox – 免費輕量級的開源虛擬機軟件!原先是德國一家軟件公司InnoTek所開發的虛擬系統軟件(已被SUN收購,而SUN已被Oracle收購),它不僅具有豐富的特色,而且性能也很優異。可以在Linux 和Windows 主機中運行,並支持在其中安裝Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和2.6)、OpenBSD 等系列的客戶操作系統。非常適合新手入門!
VirtualBox 主要特性:
—支持USB 3.0設備:虛擬機系統可識別USB3.0接口;
VirtualBox 最大的變化是增加了對硬件輔助虛擬化指令集擴展的支持。AES-NI指令集通常用於加密時的硬件加速,SSE 4.1和SSE 4.2指令集都包括在其中。另外一點是支持Windows和Linux客戶機的半虛擬化,一個抽象主機音響設備的新的架構以及支持客戶機中的USB 3(xHCI)控制器。
大部分可用性更新都是對VirtualBox 圖形化用戶界面的改進。一個大的變化就是支持給單個虛擬主機自定義菜單和工具欄,這樣很少或者從不使用的選項就可以徹底刪除。另外重要的一點是可以在VirtualBox接口內部對虛擬磁盤進行加密,而不依賴於客戶機操作系統自身的磁盤加密功能(假設有的話)。
5.0版本中添加的VirtualBox客戶機功能–更好的視頻支持,雙向複製和粘貼,以及其它功能–在安裝的時候也沒有問題。(從4.3.18版本就改進了對Windows 10的支持)。
免費開源輕量級虛擬機VirtualBox 5.0.6 支持配置HTTP代理、支持快捷鍵重新分配、原生支持Systemd,增強對各種Linux發行版的支持,支持Linux kernel 4.3內核,還包括系列Bug修復。5.0版是近五年來首次重大改版,主要在視覺和技術上大量改進!5.0正式版主要實現了雙向拖拉文件支持;支持USB 3.0!和VMware相比,它的主要優勢仍是核心功能的免費開源實現。
v6.1.4 (2020-02-20):
Virtualization core: Fixed a rare issue with ICEBP instruction causing guru meditations on Intel hosts (6.1.0 regression
Virtualization core: Fixed macOS Catalina guests failing to boot after upgrading to 10.15.2 onwards
GUI : recent NLS integration and bug fixes for GUI and Qt translation tags
USB: Fix isochronous transfers to the VM for xHCI
Serial: Fix buffer handling, avoiding receiving stale data when the receive queue is flushed
Serial: Improve host serial port passthrough handling on Windows host
VBoxManage: Restore old –clipboard option for modifyvm command
macOS host: Use hardened runtime and request the needed entitlements, meeting latest notarization rules which also required moving VirtualBoxVM executable
macOS host: Update osxfuse to v3.10.4
Windows host: Update Italian translation of installer
Windows host: Improve shared folder compatibility with POSIX append semantic
Windows host: Restore the ability to run VMs through Hyper-V, at the expense of performance
Linux guest: Support Linux 5.5
Linux guest: Shared folder fix for loopback mounting of images
BIOS: Always report non-ATA disks as ready
BIOS: Report EFI support through DMI table (bug 19144)
VGA BIOS: Reduce stack space usage for INT 10h handlers
v6.1.2 (2020-01-15):
Virtualization core: fixed performance issue observed with Windows XP guests on AMD hosts
Virtualization core: consistent IBRS/IBPB CPUID feature reporting, avoids crash of NetBSD 9.0 RC1 installer
GUI: fixed updating of runtime info
GUI: in Display settings, do not show “2D video acceleration” checkbox if it is meaningless for the selected graphics adapter
Audio: fixed audio input handling when VRDE is enabled
Audio: fixed crash in the HDA emulation when using multi-speaker configurations
Storage: fixed use of encrypted disks with snapshots involved
Storage: improve performance of virtio-scsi
Storage: read-only support for compressed clusters in QCOW2 images
Windows installer: include unintentionally dropped vbox-img.exe utility again
Windows host: when installing or removing an extension pack, retry the sometimes failing directory renaming (usually caused by anti-virus software accessing the directory)
Linux host: Support Linux 5.5 (guest additions not yet)
Windows guest: accelerate 2D video decoding (scaling and color space conversion) if the VM is configured to use VBoxSVGA with 3D enabled
Windows guest: fix guest additions installer to upgrade the mouse filter driver reliably
Windows guest: when uninstalling older Guest Additions with old 3D support enabled try restoring original Direct3D files
Linux guest: improve resize and multi-monitor handling for VMs using VMSVGA (known remaining issue: do not disable a monitor “in the middle”, causes confusion)
http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.28/VirtualBox-4.3.28 -100309-Win.exe
官方下載(Extension Pack)