Notepad++ v7.6.5
Notepad++是一套非常有特色的自由软件的纯文字编辑器(许可证:GPL),有完整的中文化接口及支援多国语言撰写的功能(UTF8 技术)。它的功能比 Windows 中的 Notepad(记事簿)强大,除了可以用来制作一般的纯文字说明文件,也十分适合当作撰写电脑程序的编辑器。Notepad++ 不仅有语法高亮度显示,也有语法折叠功能,并且支援宏以及扩充基本功能的外挂模组。
Notepad++ 是一款非常有特色的编辑器,是开源软件,可以免费使用。支持的语言: C, C++ , Java , C#, XML,Ada, HTML, PHP, ASP, AutoIt, 汇编, DOS批处理, Caml, COBOL, Cmake, CSS, D, Diff, ActionScript, Fortran, Gui4Cli, HTML, Haskell, INNO, JSP, KIXtart, LISP, Lua, Make处理(Makefile), Matlab, INI文件, MS-DOS Style, NSIS, Normal text, Objective-C, Pascal, Javascript。
① 内置支持多达 27 种语法高亮度显示(囊括各种常见的源代码、脚本,值得一提的是,完美支持 .nfo 文件查看),也支持自定义语言;
② 可自动检测文件类型,根据关键字显示节点,节点可自由折叠/打开,代码显示得非常有层次感!这是此软件最具特色的体现之一;
③ 可打开双窗口,在分窗口中又可打开多个子窗口,允许快捷切换全屏显示模式(f11),支持鼠标滚轮改变文档显示比例,等等;
④ 提供数个特色东东,如 邻行互换位置、宏功能,等等…现在网上有很多文件编辑器,这个却是不可多得的一款,不论是日常使用还是手写编程代码,都能让你体会到它独有的优势和方便。
0. Security enhancement: GPG Signature is provided for Notepad++ release.
1. Fix a long waiting issue about file auto change detection: enhance “File status Auto-Detection” to avoid switching editing tab off behaviour.
2. Fix encoding (language) detection regressions since v7.6.
3. Fix a regression: double-clicking on a “find all in current document” result for an unsaved doc prompts to save it.
4. Added close all unchanged tabs command.
5. Restore deleted “Launch in browser” customized shortcuts in [EU-FOSSA] by implementing them in more secure way: Add “View Current File in Browser” for Firefox, Chrome, IE & Edge.
6. Retain read only setting state in session.
7. Enhancement: after file reload user can still undo.
8. Fix a bug in command “Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines”
9. Enhance external call code to avoid eventual arbitrary commands execution. (EURO-FOSSA)
10. Fix crash issue by command “On Selection->Open File” while the number of selected characters is exceed 2048. (EURO-FOSSA)
11. Fix crash issue of User Define dialog while deleting a unallocated entry. (EURO-FOSSA)
12. Fix crash issue on shortcut command while its length exceed 260. (EURO-FOSSA)
13. Add an enhancement on “Open…” command to prevent from the eventual crash. (EURO-FOSSA)
14. Fix stack Buffer Overflow in Command::extractArgs. (EURO-FOSSA)
1. NppExport v0.2.8 (仅 32-bit x86)
2. Converter 4.2.1
3. Mime Tool 2.5
更新程序 (仅安装程序):
* WinGup (for Notepad++) v5.1