PHP 7.1.27、7.2.16 和7.3.3 組團更新
PHP 7.1.27、7.2.16和7.3.3今日抱團發布,全部都是穩定版行列的版本,以修復問題為主,並不包含新功能,主要改進和修復包括提供了對Oracle數據庫的跟踪屬性、空指針、內存溢出以及初始化讀取時未準備好的問題。
PHP(外文名:PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor,中文名:“超文本預處理器”)是一種通用開源腳本語言。語法吸收了C語言、Java和Perl的特點,利於學習,使用廣泛,主要適用於Web 領域。PHP獨特的語法混合了C、Java、Perl以及PHP自創的語法。它可以比CGI或者Perl更快速地執行動態網頁。
用PHP做出的動態頁面與其他的編程語言相比,PHP是將程序嵌入到HTML(標准通用標記語言下的一個應用)文檔中去執行,執行效率比完全生成HTML標記的CGI要高許多; PHP還可以執行編譯後代碼,編譯可以達到加密和優化代碼運行,使代碼運行更快。
Version 7.1.27
07 Mar 2019
- Core:
- Fixed bug #77630 (rename() across the device may allow unwanted access during processing).
- SPL:
- Fixed bug #77431 (openFile() silently truncates after a null byte).
Version 7.2.16
07 Mar 2019
- Core:
- COM:
- Fixed bug #77621 (Already defined constants are not properly reported).
- Support Oracle Database tracing attributes ACTION, MODULE, CLIENT_INFO, and CLIENT_IDENTIFIER.
- Fixed bug #77396 (Null Pointer Dereference in phar_create_or_parse_filename).
- SPL:
- Standard:
- Fixed bug #77552 (Unintialized php_stream_statbuf in stat functions).
- MySQL:
- Disabled LOCAL INFILE by default, can be enabled using php.ini directive mysqli.allow_local_infile for mysqli, or PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE attribute for pdo_mysql.
Version 7.3.3
07 Mar 2019
- Core:
- Fixed bug #77589 (Core dump using parse_ini_string with numeric sections).
- Fixed bug #77329 (Buffer Overflow via overly long Error Messages).
- Fixed bug #77494 (Disabling class causes segfault on member access).
- Fixed bug #77498 (Custom extension Segmentation fault when declare static property).
- Fixed bug #77530 (PHP crashes when parsing `(2)::class`).
- Fixed bug #77546 (iptcembed broken function).
- Fixed bug #77630 (rename() across the device may allow unwanted access during processing).
- COM:
- Mbstring:
- Fixed bug #77514 (mb_ereg_replace() with trailing backslash adds null byte).
- MySQL:
- Disabled LOCAL INFILE by default, can be enabled using php.ini directive mysqli.allow_local_infile for mysqli, or PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE attribute for pdo_mysql.
- OpenSSL:
- Fixed bug #77390 (feof might hang on TLS streams in case of fragmented TLS records).
- Support Oracle Database tracing attributes ACTION, MODULE, CLIENT_INFO, and CLIENT_IDENTIFIER.
- phpdbg:
- Fixed bug #76596 (phpdbg support for display_errors=stderr).
- SPL:
- Standard: