特朗普將蘋果CEO庫克的名字念成“Tim Apple”
Tim Cook是美國商界人士中非常著名的人物,不過,由於包括美國總統特朗普在內的很多人不關心電腦,不了解他也實屬正常,所以在今天的美國勞動力政策顧問委員會會議上,總統毫不含糊地稱蒂姆庫克為“蒂姆·蘋果”(“Tim Apple”)。
We’re going to be opening up the labor forces because we have to. We have so many companies coming in,”
“People like Tim — you’re expanding all over and doing things that I really wanted you to do right from the beginning. I used to say, ‘Tim, you gotta start doing it here,’ and you really have you’ve really put a big investment in our country. We really appreciate it very much, Tim Apple.
特朗普經常會念錯人的名字,有意思的是他通常還會將名字換成看上去更具說服力的名字,他之前甚至給洛克希德馬丁公司的CEO改了名,邏輯跟蘋果差不多:Marillyn Lockheed。