Free Firewall v2.2.0 多語言中文版-免費防火牆軟件
Regulate internet traffic
Individually regulate the access to the network and Internet per application. Allow access to the Internet only those programs, you unconditionally trust.
Access notification
If a non-regulated program wants to access the Internet, you will receive immediately a notification with which you can permit or block the Internet access.
Paranoid mode
Trust no one! In Paranoid mode, no software can access on the Internet or network, without your prior consent. Only applications which you trust get Internet access.
Credulous mode
Are you a credulous person? You have no fear about your privacy? In Credulous mode, all applications will have access to the Internet or network until you explicitly prohibit it.
Version 2.2.0
New features and improvements
- Anzeigen eines Programmsymbols im Infobereich.
- New option: Firewall verkleinert sich beim Schließen in den Infobereich.
- Neues Menü im Infobereich.
- Neue Befehle in der Ereignis-Übersicht: Alle Ereignisse erlauben oder verbieten.
- Benutzeroberfläche der Firewall startet schneller
- Neuer Befehl: Delete filter
- AntiViren-Software blockieren das Starten der Firewall nicht mehr.
Changes and fixes
- Verschiedene grafische Darstellungsfehler behoben.
- Complete translation into English
Version 2.1.0
New features and improvements
- Advanced network traffic monitoring: Additional protective measures to monitor and regulate the network and Internet access.
- Additional option: Extended basic protection
- Improved display of long path names in the program list
Changes and fixes
- Default rule for new applications was not applied correctly.
- Complete translation into English
Version 2.0.0
New features and improvements
- Rules concept: For each program a lot of rules can be assigned. These specify the permissions for Internet access.
- Zone concept: Each program can be assigned to a zone. A zone consists of a set of rules. Rules of a zone are also applied to the program.
- Web accelerator: Faster loading of websites by saving bandwidth.
- Anti web tracking: Protects against tracking and monitoring of internet users through cookies and other similar identification techniques.
- New icon for the software
- View domain names to addresses during Internet access events
- Compatible with Windows 10
- Manual and documentation of rules and zone concepts
- Revised event window that can display multiple events.
- Event window can be activated or deactivated.
- New selection rule: Ask for permission
- Selection of a standard rule for new programs.
- Taskbar blinks on Internet access events.
- Export and import settings and rules
- Event window: Allow or prohibit processing of all Internet access events.
- Automatic start of the software together with Windows
- Support for systems with multiple monitors
- Sorting function for the list of applications.
- Filter function for the list of applications.
- Option: Always approve connections in the local network
- Option: Always approve internal connections in the system
- Advisory assistance for running processes: What does this process do??
- Option: Hide inactive programs in the list
- Log over blocked Internet access events
- Cleanup function: Outdated programs are removed from the list.
- Exit foreign processes from the firewall.
- Rules support input from domain names.
- Rules support input of IP addresses also as IP ranges and IP prefixes.