WinSCP v5.17.7 Final + Portable 多語言中文正式版-SSH開源圖形化SFTP客戶端
WinSCP 是一個Windows環境下使用的SSH的開源圖形化SFTP客戶端。同時支持SCP協議。它的主要功能是在本地與遠程計算機間安全地複製文件,並且可以直接編輯文件。如果您是第一次使用WinSCP,建議選擇Windows Explorer界面,因為Windows用戶比較熟悉這個界面。當然,如果您習慣Norton Commander風格,就選擇Norton Commander界面,它注重於方便的鍵盤操作,你完全可以脫離鼠標,更快地進行操作。
使用WinSCP 可以連接到一台提供SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)或SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)服務的SSH (Secure Shell)服務器,通常是UNIX 服務器。SFTP包含於SSH-2包中SCP在SSH-1包中。兩種協議都能運行在以後的SSH版本之上。WinSCP 同時支持SSH-1和SSH-2。
但WinSCP不支持編碼選擇,也就是說,你在Windows下使用WinSCP連接一個Linux機器,因為Linux和Windows的默認編碼不同,因此是無法訪問上面的中文文件或者文件夾的(將看到亂碼)。一種解決方法就是在打開winscp時登錄中的Advanced Options–Environment 中將UTF-8 encoding for filenames 設為on.
WinSCP 可以執行所有基本的文件操作,例如下載和上傳。同時允許為文件和目錄重命名、改變屬性、建立符號鏈接和快捷方式。兩種可選界面允許用戶管理遠程或本地的文件。
- 圖形用戶界面
- 多語言
- 與Windows 完美集成(拖拽, URL, 快捷方式)
- 支持所有常用文件操作
- 支持基於SSH-1、SSH-2的SFTP 和SCP 協議
- 支持批處理腳本和命令行方式
- 多種半自動、自動的目錄同步方式
- 內置文本編輯器
- 支持SSH 密碼、鍵盤交互、公鑰和Kerberos(<GSS) 驗證
- 通過與Pageant(PuTTY Agent)集成支持各種類型公鑰驗證
- 提供Windows Explorer 與Norton Commander 界面
- 可選地存儲會話信息
- 可將設置存在配置文件中而非註冊表中,適合在移動介質上操作
使用WinSCP 可以連接到一台提供SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)或SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)服務的SSH (Secure Shell)服務器,通常是UNIX 服務器。SFTP 包含於SSH-2 包中,SCP 在SSH-1 包中。兩種協議都能運行在以後的SSH 版本之上。WinSCP 同時支持SSH-1 和SSH-2。但WinSCP不支持編碼選擇,也就是說,你在Windows下使用WinSCP連接一個Linux機器,因為Linux和Windows的默認編碼不同,因此是無法訪問上面的中文文件或者文件夾的(將看到亂碼)。一種解決方法就是在打開winscp時登錄中的Advanced Options–Environment中將“UTF-8 encoding for filenames”設為on.
Changes in 5.17.7 2020-07-24
- WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.2.
- Security fix from PuTTY 0.74: If an SSH server accepted an offer of a public key and then rejected the signature, WinSCP could access freed memory, if the key had come from an SSH agent. vuln-agent-keylist-used-after-free
- Displaying progress of synchronization in Keep local directory up to date extension. 1887
- Displaying session name and operation status in console title of Keep local directory up to date extension. 1888
- Translation updated: German.
- Removed workaround for lack of support for max-keys parameter in Backblaze S3 API, as it is supported now. 1871
- Bug fix: Failure while changing path using path label while another command was executing already. 1877
- Bug fix: Failure when system settings change during synchronization. 1879
- Bug fix: Failure when trying to close WinSCP while reading a remote directory. 1880
- Bug fix: Failure after using files from a disconnected session (for example saving an edited file). 1881
- Bug fix: Directory reading cannot be cancelled for SFTP servers that provide optional end-of-list field. 1883
- Bug fix: Going to root folder in the local panel does not update selection in the directory tree.
Changes in 5.17.2 2020-03-09
- Disabling TLS 1.3 by default until it is better tested. 1835
- Bug fix: Cannot connect to SSH-1 servers. 1833
- Bug fix: TLS session resumption is not working for FTP transfers with TLS 1.3. 1831
Changes in 5.17.1 2020-02-27
- Bug fix: Confirmation to close WinSCP does not have a help page associated (to explain the workspace). 1825
- Bug fix: Failure when loading extension with filename containing some special characters (like a dash). 1826
- Bug fix: SCP fallback is no longer working. 1827
- Bug fix: Path on Address bar of Explorer interface cannot be submitted. 1828
- Bug fix: Failure when changing directory using tree after resuming system from sleep. 1829
- Bug fix: Cannot use TLS SSL client certificate. 1830
- Bug fix: TLS/SSL client certificate could be configured for S3 protocol even though it is not supported.
Changes in 5.17 2020-02-18
- Improvements to sessions and workspace management, so that WinSCP can now easily restore tabs that were open when it was last closed.
- Hardware-accelerated AES.
- Extension Archive and Download to archive remote files and download the archive.
- Improvements to Synchronization checklist window.
- Allowed sorting of find results.
- SSH core upgraded to PuTTY 0.73.
- The binaries are signed with new EV certificate valid until February 2023.