AnyDesk v6.0.6多語言中文正式版-免費小巧的遠程協助軟件
AnyDesk是一款號稱速度最快的免費遠程連接/遠程桌面控制軟件,據說是前TeamViewer開發小組人員自立門戶的產品,它擁有先進的視頻壓縮技術DeskRT,可輕鬆穿透防火牆/路由器,實測在電信、移動的跨網寬帶環境下,速度確實要比TeamViewer和QQ流暢。軟件潛力巨大……軟件支持Windows 10。
現如今網絡環境越來越複雜,防火牆、路由器、寬帶提供商等各種因素常常會導致很多「直連」的遠程控制軟件(如微軟的Remote Desktop) 操作緩慢甚至是連接錯誤。而AnyDesk 給人的印像是速度極快、反應流暢迅速,比起前輩TeamViewer 有過之而無不及,而且它體積還極為小巧。
AnyDesk 為了解決遠程桌面連接速度慢的問題,使用了名為DeskRT 的底層技術,內置了先進的視頻解碼器,使得在復雜的網絡壞境下依然能讓用戶體驗到流暢的遠程桌面控制。
AnyDesk 支持聲音傳輸、支持畫質設置、屏幕截圖,重點還支持與遠程電腦同步剪貼板!不僅是文字,即使是文件或文件夾,都能直接複製/粘貼到另一台電腦去,這點非常實用!功能還算比較豐富。
另外,AnyDesk 既可以以綠色軟件的方式運行,也可以安裝到系統上實現開機啟動、無人干預的情況下接受控制等。總的來說,AnyDesk 原生簡體中文、原生綠色免費、原生單文件、體積小巧,但功能卻很實用,使用也足夠簡單,整體速度較為流暢,應該可滿足很多人遠程控制需求。
雖然QQ 擁有遠程協助功能,但很多時候連接並不流暢,而且被控電腦那方也必須有人操作才行。因此,很多人會選擇TeamViewer 這樣更專業的遠程控制軟件。而免費流暢的遠程協助軟件無疑AnyDesk最好!
更新記錄: 21.07 . 2020 - 6.0 . 6 ( Windows ) Fixed Bugs - Fixed connection status visibility issue - Fixed incorrect behaviour when connecting via shortcut or command line - Fixed crash in address book - Fixed renaming of address book entries - Fixed dpi scaling issue in dialog to manage address books - Fixed timeout behavior when trying to connect to offline client - Fixed some blurry icons 10.07 . 2020 - 6.0 . 5 ( Windows ) Fixed Bugs - Made the Address Book open on startup again . - Fixed some DPI scaling issues . - Fixed minor layout issues - Fixed bug that caused the client to sometimes close immediately after starting . - Fixed a stack overflow in the settings . - Fixed a crash during download . - Fixed a crash in Wake - On - LAN . Other Changes - Updated translations 25.06 . 2020 - 6.0 . 0 ( Windows ) New Features - Updated the user interface . - AnyDesk now supports Perfect Forward Secrecy . - Added Two - Factor Authentication . When enabled , an additional dialog will be shown after authentication by password or token , asking for a time - based one - time password provided by a third device . This requires that device to run an app supporting TOTP . - Added Wake - On - LAN . When enabled , devices running AnyDesk that are currently in sleep mode can be woken up by other AnyDesk devices in the same local network. - Added support for Windows Group Policies. AnyDesk now checks the Windows Registry for settings provided via Group Policies. This can only be disabled in Custom Clients. - Unattended Access now allows the setup of multiple secondary passwords. Each of the passwords can be bound to different permissions. This feature requires the use of Windows Group Policies. - Session Recordings can now be started and stopped at any time. - The Printer now also supports printing local files on the remote side. - Monitors can now be switched using hotkeys. Use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + left/right to iterate monitors. Use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + numpad numbers to switch to a specific monitor. - The search now also takes Address Books into account. - The session monitor tabs now show where the keyboard focus is. - Allowed to drop address item selection by pressing 'Esc'. - Added a second default setting for Interactive Access. Immediately installing AnyDesk now allows to connect to that Desk directly from the beginning. It is no longer required to open a window or to explicitly change the corresponding setting. - Turned the link to set up a password into a tile to improve its visibility. - Added a tile allowing to go back to the Welcome Page. - Allowed to hide the sidebar on the left. - Allowed to hide the box 'Remote Desk'. Fixed Bugs - Made the Printer work again on Windows 7. - Fixed a crash during accept with elevation. - Fixed a crash when closing a session via the main window's session tab. - Fixed a crash on Address Book entry creation in case no Address Book has been created. - Fixed key release on the remote side in case the controlling side lost focus. - Ctrl + mouse click sometimes did not work. - Ctrl + Pause was not transmitted. - Using the File Manager stopped keyboard input transmission. - The minimized D3D fullscreen mode did not stop keyboard input transmission. - The File Manager did not initially sort files and folders. - Added missing error message in File Manager for the case an upload is not possible due to missing access rights. - The main window of a Custom Client allowing only incoming sessions looked different when moving it to a monitor with different DPI settings. - The Whiteboard button in the toolbar was enabled even though Whiteboard permission was not given. - Adding an item to an Address Book worked only once. - The account was not locked after session end in case the accept window stayed open. - The button to Switch Sides was displayed on session start. - Discovery showed clients that actually did not exist. - A busy indicator was shown in the settings. - Settings requiring administrative rights were not locked directly after installation of AnyDesk. - The rename function for addresses allowed ,; - Address items in different sections in the main view could have been selected at the same time. - The EULA link was not clickable everywhere. Other Changes - Reduced the number of UAC dialogs shown during installation of different components of AnyDesk. - Updated translations.
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