圖像處理軟件Paint.NET v4.2.2 Build 7192 Beta + v4.2.1 Final
Paint.NET 是Windows 平台上的一個圖像和照片處理軟件,它由華盛頓州立大學的學生開發和維護並由微軟公司提供項目指導,早期定位於MSPaint的免費替代軟件,現在逐漸發展為一個功能強大且易用的的圖像和照片處理軟件,支持圖層,無限制的歷史記錄,特效,和許多實用工具,並且開放源代碼和完全免費,界面看起來有點像Photoshop.用來開發Paint.NET的語言是C#,而安裝程序和界面整合相關功能所用的開發語言是C++。
Paint .NET 是一個免費的圖像和照片處理軟件,它由由美國華盛頓州大學開發,是微軟官方支持的一個高級研究生設計項目成果。Paint .NET 開發初衷便是為用戶提供一個免費的強大的微軟繪圖板替代軟件,現在逐漸發展為一個功能強大且易用的的圖像和照片處理軟件,已經獲得不少專業用戶的青睞,成為主流圖像編輯選擇之一。
它功能強大,支持圖層、Clone Stmap、Edge Detection、Motion Blur及History等無限制的歷史記錄、特效以及許多實用工具,並且開放源代碼和完全免費,界面看起來有點像Photoshop。該軟件的開發語言是C#[1] ,在.NET Framework 環境(事先需要安裝)下運行。支持簡體中文等多語系界面。
最初作為一項計算機高級圖形設計項目,Paint. NET在2004年春由華盛頓大學被提出。在概念提出及維護者Rick Brewster的不斷努力下,其功能不斷加強,並在2004年下學期得到進一步發展。目前,Rick Brewster在微軟工作,當然,其最初成員也有來自微軟及受微軟贊助的背景,這使得Paint. NET開始受到人們的日益矚目。下面讓我們在最新公佈上的Paint. NET v2.5 Beta 4版中,一起來品味Paint. NET的瘋狂與夢想。
Paint. NET工具面板與PS的感覺比較一致,其基本功能如選取、移動、魔棒、文字、色彩吸管、克隆、畫筆、橡皮、顏色替換、刷子、直線、矩形、橢圓等共20項。就數量和各工具的調整參數而言,與PS差距不小,不過滿足日常的基本應用應該沒有問題。
在Paint. NET中,各項工具的使用方法與PS基本保持一致,比如克隆工具,均採用Ctrl+鼠標左鍵定義“源”,並使用鼠標左鍵進行克隆。
Paint. NET的範圍選取工具包括矩形、橢圓、套索、魔棒。當選定範圍時被選定區域顯示為淺藍色,同時區域邊沿會有運動的點畫線標識,動態效果十足。
文字功能在Paint. NET中顯得比較弱,字體格式調整的參數幾乎空白。不過Paint. NET對中文字體支持比較好,筆者安裝的數十種字體均可以正常顯示並應用。字體工具中與PS中使用習慣不同的是其移動方式,在Paint. NET中添加的文字右下角會出現一個十字光標的按鈕,點擊該按鈕可以輕鬆移動文字對角,使用起來極為方便。
“層”概念的引入使Paint. NET有了質的提升,新層可設置名稱、顯示與否、混合模式(7種)、透明度(0-255)等參數。
歷史面板的功能在Paint. NET也較為突出,只要你的硬盤空間足夠,Paint. NET支持無限次“後退”操作。
作為重要的創作的工具,筆刷的樣式在Paint. NET中提供了50種,可以滿足更多人的需要。不過,說實話,在使用中Paint. NET的筆刷效果依然給人一種意尤未盡的缺憾。
幾何繪圖工具在Paint. NET中包括直線、矩形、圓角矩形、橢圓和自定義形狀(很可惜多邊形工具沒有)。根據工具樣上的三種模式選取,可以創造出更多的變化。
Paint. NET使用Windows Aero界面,具有立體感、透視感,使用戶擁有了家的感覺。另外由於其簡單直觀的界面,使用戶很容易找到自己需要的工具。兩側共有四個窗口——工具、歷史記錄、顏色和圖層。用戶可以在窗口頂部的下拉菜單中自行選擇刪除或添加。
熟悉PS軟件的人都知道,它支持許多鍵盤快捷鍵,而Paint. NET 也支持。當鼠標懸停在一個工具上時,就會顯示出該工具的名稱以及所代表的快捷鍵。
Paint NET 性能
Paint. NET運行很快速,不管你是哪種類型的電腦,Paint. NET運行速度都很快。不過這也不能說明它就不會出現崩潰現象,目前只希望它能繼續保持下去。
Paint. NET 最大的特色就是有一個活躍的在線社區,用戶之間可以進行交流和討論問題。在Paint. NET論壇上有兩個主要特點就是教程和插件。在線社區是一個不錯的主意,相信這會幫助用戶及時的解決問題。
Paint NET 特殊效果
Paint. NET圖像編輯器上有大量的特殊效果,從增強圖像效果(包括調整圖像的對比度和色彩)到去除紅眼等,這裡就不再一一列舉了。如下:
Paint. NET不只具有特殊的效果,它還擁有各式各樣的強大工具。從3.0新版本的漸變工具到著色工具。如果你不會用某項工具,還有教程可以幫助你。
v4.2.2 Build 7192 Beta:
New: 4-bit saving is now supported for PNG, BMP, and TIFF
New: The palette selection menu will now indicate which palette is currently active
Improved: Startup performance has been further optimized, especially for quad- core (or more) CPUs
Updated: @null54’s bundled DDSFileTypePlus plugin has been updated to version
New: Support for loading and saving HEIC images (Windows 10 v1809+ and codec installation is required). Please note that the “Quality” slider when saving is limited to a value of 90 (out of 100) while Microsoft investigates and fixes a crash in their codec.
New: Keyboard shortcuts for changing the current layer. You can see these in the Layers menu with the “Go to …” commands. Alt+PgUp/PgDown will go to the layer above/below, and Ctrl +Alt+PgUp/PgDown will go to the top/bottom layer.
Fixed: Optimized rendering engine to remove huge lag spikes (30+ seconds) when zooming or panning very large images (eg 32K x 32K pixels).
Improved: BMP now supports saving in 32-bit (with alpha!) and 8-bit indexed.
Improved: Added DIB and RLE file extensions to the BMP file type.
Improved: PNG, JPEG, and TIFF now support loading and saving of much larger images.
New: PNGs can now be saved as “interlaced”.
Improved: JPEG now has configuration for the chroma subsampling mode (4:4:4, 4: 2:2, and 4:2:0). The default is now 4:2:2 instead of the unconfigurable 4:2:0 of older versions. This may result in larger file sizes, but higher quality, as compared to previous versions.
Improved: TIFF now supports saving at 24-bit and 8-bit color depths.
Improved performance of saving for file types where “Auto” bit-depth is supported but is not the current choice.
Improved temporary memory usage when saving images at 8-bit color depth.
Improved: TGA images now load about 4x faster (thanks @null54!)
Fixed: 8-bit TGA images should now load correctly (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
Fixed: Some 32-bit TGA images were showing up as completely transparent due to their use of an obscure alpha channel type (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
Improved: Added error reporting to the Save Configuration dialog. Instead of just saying “Preview: (error)”, you’ll also get the standard error dialog that includes the exception which can used for troubleshooting.
Fixed a number of performance issues in the Save Configuration dialog. Especially with large images, it should now be much faster to change options and to click OK/Cancel.
Fixed flickering in the Save Configuration dialog when changing options.
Fixed: Windows Explorer thumbnails for some image types (PDN, DDS, TGA) were not rendering their alpha (transparency) correctly, resulting in color skew. You may not see the effect of this fix for a particular image until that image is resaved or you clear Explorer’s thumbnail cache.
Fixed: Mouse cursors now scale appropriately for non-integer UI scales (eg 125% or 175%)
Fixed: AltGr should now work correctly with the Text tool. It will not trigger shortcuts like File->Save All , or Edit->Paste into New Image. (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth for the fix!)
Changed: Image->Resize supports Super Sampling again, and favors this over Fant when using Best Quality. Fant is still available, but is no longer chosen automatically.
Changed: Holding Ctrl when starting to move a selection with the Move Selected Pixels tool will no longer leave behind a copy of the selected area
Fixed: Bicubic resampling in the Move Selected Pixels tool was not correctly handling the alpha channel in some cases. This fix has required a reduction in performance.
Improved: When using Edit->Copy, a 32-bit BGRA bitmap in the DIBV5 format is now placed onto the clipboard so that other apps can read the alpha channel.
Improved: When using Edit->Paste , DIBV5’s are now supported if they have an alpha channel. If they don’t, then the regular DIB loader is used which has some heuristics for detecting an incorrectly defined alpha channel and correcting for it.
Improved: When using Edit->Paste, PNG is now the highest priority format. This maximizes the ability to maintain alpha/transparency, but it does mean that images coming from Microsoft Office apps will appear larger than they used to. This is either a bug or a feature of Microsoft Office. For some reason it places PNGs on the clipboard that are 25%+ larger than the DIB/DIBV5 bitmap that it also places on the clipboard (but which don’t have alpha/transparency).
Fixed: DIBV5 bitmaps should now work with Edit->Paste, which improves alpha channel handling. (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
Fixed: Top-down DIBs should now work correctly with Edit->Paste. (thanks @null54 for the fix! )
Improved CPU usage for thumbnail updates (layers and image tabs) in many cases.
Improved: Slightly increased the size of the Settings dialog to reduce the need for scrolling in a few important situations
Fixed: Simple message boxes can now be closed with the ESC key
Fixed: Magic Wand now works on very large images (eg 65535 x 65535 pixels ) without an error.
New: Plugins that use IndirectUI can now use a UriProperty with a LinkLabel control (thanks @null54!)
New: Effect plugins can now more easily make use of the clipboard via the IClipboardService. It will handle all of the tricky clipboard issues such as threading, native data marshaling, and avoiding security vulnerabilities that exist in the standard WinForms and WPF clipboard APIs.
New: FileType plugins can now specify separate lists of extensions for loading and saving.
Blocked the WebP FileType v1.1.0.0 plugin due to instability. An update is already available.
Blocked the ImAgif FileType v0.12.0.1084 plugin due to incompatibility. An update will hopefully soon be available.
(正式版)https://www.dotpdn.com/files/paint .net.4.2.1.install.zip
網盤下載(主程序+ Effects + Plugins Pack 1.1.2018)
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1R4ZIygVCQ0jtjGOqFe99dA 提取码:u1w0