遠程控制AnyDesk v5.3.2
AnyDesk 是個相當好用的跨平台電腦遠程工具,可支持各版本的Windows 與macOS, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD… 等操作系統,通過其獨有的影音編解碼強化與硬體加速等技術,提供畫質優美、反應迅速的遠程操控界面。
使用AnyDesk 時一樣是通過其專屬的「AnyDesk地址」編號來連線(所以不用管對方的網絡IP 是多少、有沒有在防火牆後面),只要兩台電腦都同時運行AnyDesk 軟件,在你的電腦輸入另一台電腦的AnyDesk地址就能開始連線並看到對方的操作畫面。使用時我們還可以自己決定是否要播放聲音、是否可控制鍵盤及鼠標、是否可保存系統剪貼版… 等權限,並可設置專屬密碼來保護隱私。
Fixed Bugs
Fixed selection box tool.
Fixed crash on click on restart button in miscellaneous settings.
Fixed ‘Change License Key…’ button in the about panel.
The File Manager downloaded the same file twice in some cases.
Fixed handling of AltGr+a. This selected all text before and broke AltGr+a on polish keyboards.
Fixed blocker for incoming connections.
Fixed address not being shown correctly or incompletely in discovered clients.
The Address Book accepted malformed addresses and could not delete them anymore.
Fixed wrong address book being removed from the manage address books dialog while trying to delete a different one.
Fixed address action ‘Drop Link’ for qualified addresses (AnyDeskID/domain/account).
Fixed command line parsing of qualified addresses.
Fixed broken traces.
Fixed some tooltips.
Minor fixes.
Other Changes
Discovered clients can be searched for now by using user name, Alias, client ID, machine name and operating system.
Improved display of search results.
Discovery items can now be added to the Address Book using their context menu.
Checkboxes and radio buttons can now be toggled using ‘Space’.