Acronis True Image 2020 24.3 Build 20770
Acronis 是全球最佳備份和恢復軟件,可讓您的信息保持安全。輕鬆保護數據、還原服務器、遷移磁盤映像和恢復數據。Acronis True Image for PC 支持本地備份和雲備份,它可保存整個系統和單個文件,隨時都可讓您及時返回。備份位置、時間和方式由您選擇。使用外部驅動器、雲備份或任何NAS 設備。設置您自己的備份計劃,在您工作時不斷保存更改。即刻還原,甚至可在任意PC 間來回移動整個系統。
Acronis True Image,系統備份還原利器!可在Windows 下使用全部功能的克隆與恢復軟件;克隆與恢復的速度最快;支持DVD 驅動器,操作簡單可將大量數據備份到一張DVD碟片上;優點在於與Windows 的完全兼容。該軟件版本多,但家庭版即可適用大多數人的需求:能備份,可以異機還原,可開闢隱藏分區和熱鍵啟動。企業版可以局域網備份還原,並有企業版的遠程備份還原和無限雲備份空間。
Dual Protection
Experts agree that the 3-2-1 backup strategy is the most effective approach to data protection. Now Acronis makes the process easy and efficient by replicating local backups in the cloud automatically so you always have an off-site copy available for recovery. Once you’ve successfully completed the first backup, the backup and replication occur simultaneously.
Tray Notification Center
Safeguarding data requires you stay informed about your system, your files, and your protection. With Acronis True Image 2020, you can get messages pushed to your desktop tray that allow you to easily monitor the status of your backups, receive timely tips on how to enhance your protection, and quickly respond to any issues.
Back Up on Selected Wi-Fi
Where you back up should be your choice. Now you can easily avoid the metered connections and unsecure public networks that put your data at risk by selecting the Wi-Fi networks you use to back up your data – keeping your uploads secure.
Custom Power Management
Backups are great, but creating them uses electricity. Manage your backups so they don’t drain the battery, ensuring your laptop will run when you need it. You can set a minimum power level for backups, or completely block backups on battery power.
Power Nap Backups
How efficient would it be if you could get tasks done while you were asleep? Mac users come close now that they can choose to back up their machine’s data when it enters Power Nap mode. Not only will your Mac’s data be updated during its Power Nap , your backups will capture those changes too.
Enhancement Highlights
Cloud Restores
Restoring from the cloud should be just as easy and efficient as backing up. Now it is. We’ve enhanced the underlying backup technology to deliver a better overall performance of our already fast cloud restores, resulting in an even faster, more reliable and more stable cloud restore experience.
Enriched Anti-Ransomware
As cyberthreats continue to evolve, we constantly enhance Acronis Active Protection to stay ahead of them. Our new machine learning models make it more effective, and the latest version now stops illicit service termination attacks. You will be informed of the reason a particular process is being monitored or blocked as malicious.
Enhanced Backup Technology
To retain control over their data, users need easy, efficient access to their backed up content. Our new backup format delivers a better overall performance, enabling faster browsing of cloud backups, improved backup / recovery speeds and data deduplication.
Mac Restores
Restore your data to a new Mac machine more easily, even if it is spread across APFS volumes on your current system. It’s a much more efficient way to migrate your APFS volumes.