WordPress 5.0 RC 發布,改進編輯器
這是5.0的候選版本,功能比較接近正式版。WordPress 5.0引入了新的基於塊的帖子編輯器。提供簡化的編輯體驗。無論是在構建第一個網站,修改博客還是編寫代碼,用戶都可以更靈活地顯示內容。
Twenty Nineteen 是WordPress 的新默認主題,它為5.0 中默認可用的塊提供自定義樣式。Twenty Nineteen 旨在用於各種用例。無論是運營照片博客,開展新業務還是支持非盈利組織,Twenty Nineteen 都非常靈活,可以滿足您的需求。
- All of the previous default themes, from Twenty Ten through to Twenty Seventeen, have been updated to support the block editor.
- You can improve the accessibility of the content you write, now that simple ARIA labels can be saved in posts and pages.
- WordPress 5.0 officially supports the upcoming PHP 7.3 release: if you’re using an older version, we encourage you to upgrade PHP on your site.
- Developers can now add translatable strings directly to your JavaScript code, using the new JavaScript language packs .