ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In v2.2.5 註冊版-圖像高光消除濾鏡
ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In是一款圖像高光消除濾鏡。圖像高光消除濾鏡可以極大的改善由閃光燈或外部強光在圖像上造成的高光反射區域的圖像質量,從而使整個圖像變得柔和。尤其適用於面部高光的改善,更值得稱讚的是它智能地區分瞳孔和牙齒該保留的亮度信息,使這些區域被保護起來,使得畫面更生動自然。
ShineOff( ps高光磨皮插件)功能
ShineOff is an Adobe® Photoshop® compatible Plug-In filter that automatically removes the shine from skin. The cold white light of the camera flash creates an unnatural shininess on skin. ShineOff automatically transforms faces and skin areas to a soft and natural looking appearance. This patent pending technology does not remove luster from the lips nor the sparkle from the teeth or eyes.
ShineOff is a Photoshop plug-in filter that automatically removes the shine from skin.
ShineOff is a patent pending technology that looks for the glare of the flash and other light sources on human skin. ShineOff will automatically transforms faces and skin areas to a soft and natural looking texture. This patent pending technology does not remove luster from the lips nor the sparkle from the teeth or eyes.
Tips and Techniques
ShineOff has a slider to adjust the amount of the skin shine effect removed from your images. Simply move the slider to achieve the desired effect. You can choose between Less and More. A value can also be entered as a percentage in the range from 0 to 150. The default is 75. The previous ShineOff Version 1.x plug-in was equal to this default value. This parameter is saved with the filter and allows you to run a large number of images in a Batch operation.
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