solve, automate, speed up
Windows 7
Delete C:\Windows\CSC\v2.0.6\namespace, CscService
Open comand prompt in “Run as administrator” mode:
Stop sync service:
net stop CscService
Disable sync service:
sc config CscService start= disabled
Take ownership of c:\windows\scs
takeown /f c:\windows\csc /r /a /d y > NUL
Reset permissions:
icacls c:\windows\csc /grant Administrators:(F) /t /l /q
Remove directory:
rd c:\windows\csc /q /s
Enable sync service:
sc config CscService start= auto
If something fails you can move to safe mode and repeat the steps.
Make sure you have at least one local administrator account active.
Just hold down the shift key and choose to restart the computer.