Notepad++ v7.9.2 Final+Portable x86/x64 多語言中文正式版-開源文本編輯器
Notepad++ – 小巧高效的文本編輯器、非常適合編輯網頁代碼!Notepad++是一款優秀免費的源代碼編輯器,支持語法高亮的開源純文本編輯器,並且可以替代系統自帶的記事本的功能。Notepad++更是程序員們編寫代碼的利器!它運行便攜,體積小巧、資源佔用小,支持眾多程序語言,比如C++、C#、Java等主流程序語言;支持HTML、XML、ASP,Perl、Python、JavaScript等網頁/腳本語言。Notepad++作為程序員們最喜愛的編輯器之一,像語法高亮,語法折疊,宏等編輯器常用功能一個都不少。

Notepad++支持的語言: C, C++ , Java , C#, XML,Ada, HTML, PHP, ASP, AutoIt,彙編, DOS批處理, Caml, COBOL, Cmake, CSS, D, Diff, ActionScript, Fortran, Gui4Cli, HTML , Haskell, INNO, JSP, KIXtart, LISP, Lua, Make處理(Makefile), Matlab, INI文件, MS-DOS Style, NSIS, Normal text, Objective-C, Pascal, Javascript。
Notepad++ 將檢查程序使用的所有組件(SciLexer.dll, GUP.exe and nppPluginList.dll)的SHA256哈希值。還有一個重要的更新是,從7.6.3 版本開始,Notepad++ 已支持Markdown,但由於安裝程序沒有正確部署所需的文件,導致出現了一些錯誤。現在 7.6.4 版本已經修復了該錯誤,可正常使用 Markdown。
Notepad++ v7.9.2 Enhancements & bug-fixes:
1. Fix regression of auto-Indent.
2. Add custom URI schemes ability.
3. Improve URL parser: fix apostrophe in an URL issue.
4. Add context menu with “Copy link” ability.
5. Add color samples on menu items for styling features.
6. Add “-settingsDir” argument for overriding default settings path.
7. Fix crash while exit command issued by plugin.
8. Fix several bugs of PHP parser rule for function list.
9. Move “Normal Text” to top in Languages Menu.
11. Add an option for displaying constant line number width.
12. Fix function list is empty with new user profile in the same PC issue.
13. Fix single-quoted string being badly recognized as attribute value in XML.
14. Fix docked panels appear with “-nosession” cmd line parameters.
15. Improve text selection after Replace All In Selection operation.
16. Add the number of total documents on windows dialog’s title bar.
17. Fix scroll to last line problem after main window resizing.
18. Fix Plugin admin display UTF-8 issue in its description.
19. Fix Search result’s text direction (RTL) not always synchronized with main edit zone’s one issue.
20. Fix dockable panels display issue in RTL direction.
21. Fix Search result line number highlighting inaccurate issue.
22. Make “Line” preceding each line number on Search Results translatable.
23. Fix menu check marks not being removed after closing “Clipboard History” and “Character Panel” panels.
24. Fix command line arguments -p, -n & -c negative value’s undefined behaviour.
25. Add new Margin/Border/Edge sub-page in Preferences.
26. Fix find in files failure issue due to directory path with leading/trailing spaces.
27. Fix folder icon display issue in “Folder as Workspace” after “Expand/Collapse All”.
28. Make “Clipboard History” and “Character Panel” togglable.
29. Fix Find in found results dialog launch failure after macro execution.
30. Disallow Goto dlg offset option from moving to position inside multi-byte char or between CR and LF.
31. Fix “Go to…” dialog wrong Offset value in empty files.
32. Prevent corruption possibility when using -p command line parameter in a UTF file.
33. Improve indent guidelines on non-brace control block languages.
34. Prevent names of untitled tabs from duplication.
35. Add tooltips for Folder as Workspace 3 commands .
36. Fix “SCI_NEWLINE” inside a macro not working issue.
37. Fix bug where search-results won’t open ‘new 1’ file.
38. Fix tab close button remain pushed issue.
39. Enhance ghost typing command line argument feature – using white space directly instead of %20.
x86 for Windows 安裝版:
x64 for Windows 安裝版:
x86 for Windows 綠色免安裝版:
x64 for Windows 綠色免安裝版: