Notepad++ v7.8.8 Final+Portable x86/x64 多語言中文正式版-開源文本編輯器
Notepad++ – 小巧高效的文本編輯器、非常適合編輯網頁代碼!Notepad++是一款優秀免費的源代碼編輯器,支持語法高亮的開源純文本編輯器,並且可以替代系統自帶的記事本的功能。Notepad++更是程序員們編寫代碼的利器!它運行便攜,體積小巧、資源佔用小,支持眾多程序語言,比如C++、C#、Java等主流程序語言;支持HTML、XML、ASP,Perl、Python、JavaScript等網頁/腳本語言。Notepad++作為程序員們最喜愛的編輯器之一,像語法高亮,語法折疊,宏等編輯器常用功能一個都不少。

Notepad++支持的語言: C, C++ , Java , C#, XML,Ada, HTML, PHP, ASP, AutoIt,彙編, DOS批處理, Caml, COBOL, Cmake, CSS, D, Diff, ActionScript, Fortran, Gui4Cli, HTML , Haskell, INNO, JSP, KIXtart, LISP, Lua, Make處理(Makefile), Matlab, INI文件, MS-DOS Style, NSIS, Normal text, Objective-C, Pascal, Javascript。
Notepad++ 將檢查程序使用的所有組件(SciLexer.dll, GUP.exe and nppPluginList.dll)的SHA256哈希值。還有一個重要的更新是,從7.6.3 版本開始,Notepad++ 已支持Markdown,但由於安裝程序沒有正確部署所需的文件,導致出現了一些錯誤。現在 7.6.4 版本已經修復了該錯誤,可正常使用 Markdown。
Notepad++ v7.8.8 Enhancements & bug-fixes:
1. Fix accented characters in ANSI files not found in “find in files” and “replace in files” commands issues.
2. Add an option to improve rendering special Unicode characters by using Scintilla’s DirectWrite technology.
3. Fix URL invisible issue in dark themes.
4. Fix the focus not on the opening new file issue.
5. Fix Workspace (Project panel), Folder As Workspace and function list keep focus issue after double clicking an item.
6. Add Ctrl+Backspace ability to delete word for comboboxes in Find/Replace dialog.
7. Add ability to find-all in selected text.
8. Fix wrong treatment of backslashes as escape sequences in autocompletion.
9. Enhance “Remove Empty Lines” command: Allow scope to be limited by an active selection.
10. Fix loading of project & session files by drag & drop not working issue.
11. Fix block selection cursor wrong positions after typing TAB.
12. Add confirmation prompt to “Replace all in all opened documents” command to avoid PBKAC.
Notepad++ v7.8.6 Enhancement & bug-fixes:
- Add multi-column marker (multi-line edge) feature.
- Add dynamical sorting feature for Folder as Workspace.
- Make MRU tab activate instead of rightmost tab while tab closure (if MRU enabled).
- Fix folding state lost on the next startup issue.
- Make Replace-in-Files confirmation dialog modal to prevent from crashing.
- Add support of smart-indenting for Perl and Rust.
- Make recorded macro (IDC_FINDNEXT & IDC_FINDPREV)retro-compatible up to 7.8.4.
Notepad++ v7.8.5 Enhancement & bug-fixes:
1. Fix “Monitoring” not detecting all file changes issue.
2. Fix auto-updater disabling not working regression.
3. Fix Notepad++ doesn’t exit correctly while Windows 10 update restart.
4. Make Count command in Find dialog respect Backward- direction and Wrap-around options.
5. Make Find dialog remember its position across runs.
6. Add the document size column to the Windows Selection dialog.
7. Make “View Current File in(browser)” commands macro recordable.
8. Add external sound control capability for unsuccessful search (in Find dialog) bell.
Notepad++ v7.8.4 bug-fixes:
1. Fix regression of double clicking a found in files result while Word-Wrap is on.
2. Fix HashFromDlg title bar localization issue.
Notepad++ v7.8.3 enhancements and bug-fixes:
1. Add the “Expand All”, “Fold All” and “Select/Show current editing file” capacity into Folder as Workspace.
2. Fix restoring line position issue while document is wrapped.
3. Improve Json syntax highlighting.
4. Make filling find field of Find dialog with selected word(s) optional.
5. Make doSaveOrNot dialog simpler when there’s a single file to save.
6. Fix auto-insert {[“”]} imbrication not working issue.
7. Make cmd cli (for “Open Containing Folder in cmd”) customizable.
8. Prevent from setting Updater’s Proxy as Notepad++ is not in Admin mode.
9. Disable file association settings when Notepad++’s no admin right.
10. Fix incremental search bar “highlight all” option not conserved bug.
11. Enhance SQL syntax highlighting (add 2 more keyword lists).
12. Fix too small buffer issue during add text macro playback.
13. Fix “Close All Unchanged” not working issue for sub-view.
14. Eliminate garbage displaying in Find -result fold margin.
x86 for Windows 安裝版:
x64 for Windows 安裝版:
x86 for Windows 綠色免安裝版:
x64 for Windows 綠色免安裝版: