Active@ Partition Recovery v20.0.2
Active@ Partition Recovery是一個功能強大的DOS磁盤工具!他可以幫助你回复誤刪除的分區!他可以備份MBR,分區表和啟動扇區!在硬盤被破壞的時候可以幫你迅速的回复!
喜歡把玩系統的你也許會遇到下面的情形:用Fdisk或其他程序誤刪了分區;硬盤的分區邏輯結構被損壞(例如啟動病毒發作)。這時,看著一團糟的硬盤分區表是不是有預哭無淚的感覺:多少辛辛苦苦下載來的寶貴資料和數據啊!現在,有了Active@Partition Recovery你或許可以更加“肆無忌憚”地折騰系統了。
Active@ Partition Recovery for DOS can recover deleted partition only if its location on hard disk drive has not already been overwritten. If you wisely created MBR backup using Active@ Partition Recovery, you can always restore MBR and partition information.
Active@ Partition Recovery Professional package contains both DOS and Windows versions of Active@ Partition Recovery. It is an universal solution to recover both system partitions (from DOS environment) and non-system ones (in Windows environment).
Active@ Partition Recovery Ultimate is an ultimate data recovery tool set. In addition to Professional features, it contains a bootable ISO Image (WinPE based Active@ Boot Disk Lite) that you can burn to a CD-ROM or write to a USB Flash drive and boot Windows from this CD-ROM/USB to recover partitions (including the system ones) as well as to recover particular files and folders from within the familiar Windows environment. Ultimate edition includes also Linux-based bootable Active@ LiveCD (Linux recovery environment ) being able to boot all the latest x86 and x64 UEFI secure boot systems as well as standard BIOS.
Universal bootable disk creator prepares DOS, Windows or Linux boot disks for any type of media (CD/ DVD/ BD/ USB). Ultimate version also includes the Active@ File Recovery – tool to recover deleted files, files on damaged partitions and to reconstruct damaged RAID disk arrays. Active@ File Recovery allows you to save particular files in case of unsuccessful partition recovery (for example, the file system itself is severely damaged).
Active@ Partition Recovery toolkit includes the following main features:
•Restores lost partitions and disks back to working state
•QuickScan easily detects partitions being deleted but not re-formatted
•SuperScan – low-level scan detects re-formatted and damaged partitions
•Last Chance – recovery method for severely damaged filesystems on volumes
•Backup and Restore disk partitioning info and ability to Rollback changes
•Fixes damaged Partition Table, MBR (Master Boot Record) and GPT
•Creates a Disk Image – sector-by-sector data backup for data recovery
•Restores all data from raw, compressed and VMWare Disk Images
•Supports Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista, Servers 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, WinPE
•Recovers FAT/exFAT/NTFS/HFS+/UFS/Ext2/Ext3/Ext4/BtrFS/XFS file systems
•Recovers IDE, SATA, eSATA, SSD, SCSI, RAID, USB Flash Disks and Memory Cards
•Recovers volumes lost due to accidental disk formatting, damage by virus attack, malicious program, a power failure and much more…