免費開源GIF錄製工具ScreenToGif v2.24.1
ScreenToGif,國外免費開源小巧實用的Gif動畫錄製工具!使用ScreenToGif, 可以將屏幕任何區域及操作過程錄製成GIF格式的動畫圖像,保存過程還可以對GIF動畫進行編輯優化。這款非常優秀的工具原生單執行文件,界面非常簡單,功能很實用,它具有錄製屏幕、錄製攝像頭、錄製畫板、編輯器等功能,編輯器功能非常強大,支持自定義Gif循環播放次數,哪些畫面不要的話,還可以對個別刪除掉,相當簡單且方便!


Just a couple of bug fixes.
♦ The app was not being able to load the SharpDX libraries.
♦ The DirectX capture mode could fail when finishing the capture of a frame.
• You can now import Apng’s files.
• Option to run the app on startup.
• Option to allow only one instance of the app, switching to the already opened app when trying to open another instance (single instance per user and executable).
Bug fixes:
♦ If the SharpDX libraries were not in the same folder as the app, it was not possible to load them.
♦ The editor window was not receiving focus upon loading.
♦ Sometime, the button to select a region in the new recorder was not working.
♦ The Accept/Retry/Cancel controls were not getting positioned correctly when the whole right side of a screen was selected.
♦ When the folder path of the SharpDX was empty, the options window was displaying an error while checking the external tools.
♦ The video importer (MediaPlayer) was not respecting the selected scale.