MKV製作和封裝工具MKVToolNix v46.0.0
mkvtoolnix (又叫Matroska toolkit),是一套功能強大的mkv(Matroska)格式製作和處理的工具,支持將多種視頻、音頻、字幕等格式封裝成mkv格式。mkvtoolnix新版本提供了安裝程序。
1運行mmg.exe後,會彈出軟件的圖形界面,首先選擇“Input”選擇卡,點擊上部“Input files”處的“add”按鈕,將要合併的視頻、音頻、字幕文件一一添加到文件列表中,Mkvtoolnix功能的強大主要體現在能導入的格式上,除了MPEG視頻外,幾乎所有的主流音、視頻格式它都能容納,包括OGM和MKV格式本身!
如果視頻中已經包括有音頻,它還可以選擇是保留還是不保留該音頻!如果要去掉原有的音頻,先在文件列表中選中該視頻文件,然後在下面的Tracks列表中將音軌前的勾去掉即可。這樣的功能要比OGM方便得多!所有的軌道都可以加上語言類型、標題、作者等標示,先選定某個軌道,然後在下面“Track Options”處的“Language”下拉列表中進行選擇。在字幕或聲音不同步的情況下,還可設置聲軌和字幕播放的延時時間,可將延時數值填入Delay後的文字框(單位為毫秒)。
如果想將合併好的MKV文件刻入光盤,而最終合併好的文件可能超過光盤的容量的話,你可以對文件進行分割。選擇“Global(全局)”選項卡,在其中的“Split(分割)”欄中勾選“Enable splitting(進行分割)”,分割有兩種方式:“by size(按文件尺寸)”、“by time(按時間)”,這里當然應該按尺寸,具體的尺寸可從後面的下拉列表中選擇。
界面中的其它選項卡都是無關緊要的,可以不管。最後,在下面的“Output filename(輸出文件名)”處設置輸出文件的路徑及名稱後,點擊“Start Muxing(開始合併)”按鈕輸出MKV文件。另外,Mkvtoolnix也可用於分離MKV文件,只要將MKV文件導入,再將每個碼流單獨命名輸出就形了。
New features and enhancements
mkvmerge: when splitting, the placeholder `%c` can be used in the destination file name. It’ll be replaced by the name of the first chapter in the file.
mkvmerge: when reading MPLS playlists mkvmerge will include a tag named `SOURCE_ID` in the track’s statistics tags that conveys the fact that the source was a Blu-ray and what the track’s ID was in the source container. When reading Matroska file existing `SOURCE_ID` tags will be kept. The format used is the same format MakeMKV uses.
mkvmerge: for audio-only files mkvmerge will now write a cue entry every 500ms instead of every 2s.
MKVToolNix GUI: job actions: split up the option “execute when the job finishes successfully or with warnings” into two separate options: “…when finishes successfully” and “…when exits with warnings”.
Bug fixes
mkvmerge: Matroska reader: when regenerating UIDs for chapters mkvmerge will now fix referencing tag chapter UID targets to have the same values.
mkvmerge: MP4 reader: fixed a crash that could potentially happen while trying to identify H.265/HEVC tracks.
mkvmerge: MP4 reader: when reading H.265/HEVC tracks without a frame offset table (`ctts` atom) present, mkvmerge did not parse the `hevcC` structure correctly in certain cases, causing no video frames to be output at all or the output not being playable.
mkvmerge: MPLS handling/MPEG TS reader: timestamp restrictions as given in an MPLS file were only honored for the first play item, not for subsequent play items. For those play items the whole referenced file was always copied.
mkvmerge: MPLS handling/MPEG TS reader: under certain circumstances mkvmerge copied one frame too many before switching to the next play item.
mkvmerge: for audio-only files cues will only be created for I frames (important for eg TrueHD where decoding can only start on a sync frame).
MKVToolNix GUI: fixed a crash that happened when closing the preferences after having closed at least one multiplexer tab.
MKVToolNix GUI: macOS: changed the default of the “elide tab header labels” feature introduced in v45 from “ no” to “yes” to mirror how versions before v45 behaved on macOS.