逍遙安卓模擬器MEmu Android Emulator v7.1.6

逍遙安卓模擬器國際版(MEmu),XDA論壇推薦,無廣告自帶Google Play谷歌商店和谷歌框架服務!支持簡體中文。全球獨家支持Android 5.1.1的內核模擬器,多安卓內核引擎,同時支持安卓4.4和5.1.1版本;模擬器性能和兼容性非常不錯,支持各種系統配置和絕大部分主流遊戲,評分秒殺各大最新旗艦安卓手機;多開鏡像,一鍵克隆安卓鏡像,支持多賬號多窗口。
v7.1.6 (2020-03-07):
Add Multiple touches and macro record functions
Android top memu is now prohibited to be swiped down when playing
Add contact, gallery as default apps
What’s fixed:
Fixed the occasional issue that in some game the view cannot be moved in full-screen
Fixed the occasional issue that the text cannot be deleted
Add commands for gravity sensor
Add commands for obtain a list of third-party apps
Add parameter for creating desktop shortcut when installing apps
Add function of import .memu file
Fixed the issue that rename command fails.