MKV制作和封装工具 MKVToolNix v44.0.0

mkvtoolnix (又叫Matroska toolkit),是一套功能強大的mkv(Matroska)格式製作和處理的工具,支持將多種視頻、音頻、字幕等格式封裝成mkv格式。mkvtoolnix新版本提供了安裝程序。
1運行mmg.exe後,會彈出軟件的圖形界面,首先選擇“Input”選擇卡,點擊上部“Input files”處的“add”按鈕,將要合併的視頻、音頻、字幕文件一一添加到文件列表中,Mkvtoolnix功能的強大主要體現在能導入的格式上,除了MPEG視頻外,幾乎所有的主流音、視頻格式它都能容納,包括OGM和MKV格式本身!
如果視頻中已經包括有音頻,它還可以選擇是保留還是不保留該音頻!如果要去掉原有的音頻,先在文件列表中選中該視頻文件,然後在下面的Tracks列表中將音軌前的勾去掉即可。這樣的功能要比OGM方便得多!所有的軌道都可以加上語言類型、標題、作者等標示,先選定某個軌道,然後在下面“Track Options”處的“Language”下拉列表中進行選擇。在字幕或聲音不同步的情況下,還可設置聲軌和字幕播放的延時時間,可將延時數值填入Delay後的文字框(單位為毫秒)。
如果想將合併好的MKV文件刻入光盤,而最終合併好的文件可能超過光盤的容量的話,你可以對文件進行分割。選擇“Global(全局)”選項卡,在其中的“Split(分割)”欄中勾選“Enable splitting(進行分割)”,分割有兩種方式:“by size(按文件尺寸)”、“by time(按時間)”,這里當然應該按尺寸,具體的尺寸可從後面的下拉列表中選擇。
界面中的其它選項卡都是無關緊要的,可以不管。最後,在下面的“Output filename(輸出文件名)”處設置輸出文件的路徑及名稱後,點擊“Start Muxing(開始合併)”按鈕輸出MKV文件。另外,Mkvtoolnix也可用於分離MKV文件,只要將MKV文件導入,再將每個碼流單獨命名輸出就形了。
Changes in MKVToolnix 42.0
New features and enhancements
mkvmerge: added an option for creating byte-identical files: –deterministic <seed>.
mkvmerge: Matroska reader: mkvmerge will remove the icpf atom headers if they’re present in frames read from Matroska files.
mkvmerge: MP4 reader: ALAC tracks: the number of channels, sampling frequency and bit depth are now taken from the bitstream in order to fix bogus values on the container level.
mkvpropedit: when changing track UIDs the referring elements in existing chapters & tags will be updated automatically, too.
mkvinfo: when the option -p/–hex-positions is used, element positions will be output regardless of the verbosity level.
mkvinfo: added the option -P/–positions for showing the position of each element in decimal regardless of the verbosity level used.
mkvinfo: added the option -o/–continue for continuing processing when the first cluster is encountered regardless of the verbosity level used.
mkvinfo: added the option -a/–all for outputting all sub-elements (even cues & seek head entries) and not stopping at the first cluster regardless of the verbosity level used.
MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added an option in the preferences for disabling adding cover images from Blu-ray discs.
MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added mkvmerge’s new –deterministic option in the “ additional command-line options” dialog.
MKVToolNix GUI: header editor:: when changing track UIDs the referring elements in existing chapters & tags will be updated automatically, too.
Bug fixes
mkvmerge: HEVC ES parser: fixed a bug in the slice parser calculating the size of a field which in turn could have led to the slice’s type being read wrong. Patch by Torsten Hauska.
mkvmerge: Matroska reader: fixed a segmentation fault when trying to read a file that uses header removal compression but no removed bytes are present in the track headers.
mkvmerge: MPEG elementary stream parser: fixed an invalid memory access and use of uninitialized memory that could happen under certain circumstances.
mkvmerge: RealMedia reader: fixed a division by zero when all audio timestamps were zero.
mkvmerge: RealMedia reader: fixed an invalid memory access in the video frame assembly code triggered by invalid data in the file.
Build system changes
std::optional (C++17 feature) is now used instead of boost::optional.
std::regex is now used instead of boost::regex.
Other changes
Added new main page translations into French, Italian, Russian and Chinese Traditional