TechSmith Camtasia 2019.0.10 Build 17662
Camtasia 是一款專門捕捉屏幕音影的工具軟件。它能在任何顏色模式下輕鬆地記錄屏幕動作,包括影像、音效、鼠標移動的軌跡,解說聲音等等,另外,它還具有及時播放和編輯壓縮的功能,可對視頻片段進行剪接、添加轉場效果。它輸出的文件格式很多,有常用的AVI及GIF格式,還可輸出為RM、WMV及MOV格式,用起來極其順手。
Camtasia還是一款視頻編輯軟件,可以將多種格式的圖像、視頻剪輯連接成電影,輸出格式可是是GIF 動畫、AVI、RM、QuickTime 電影(需要QucikTime 4.0 以上)等,並可將電影文件打包成EXE 文件,在沒有播放器的機器上也可以進行播放,同時還附帶一個功能強大的屏幕動畫抓取工具,內置一個簡單的媒體播放器。
2019.0.9 (January 21, 2020):
Fixed issue that prevented use of Visual Effects for users with non-English characters in their usernames
Fixed crash while sharing to Video Review for users with non-English characters in their usernames
Fixed issue that caused GPU usage to grow continuously after audio tracks were analyzed
Fixed crash when finishing a recording without opening the Camtasia Editor
2019.0.8 (November 26, 2019):
Fixed issue that moved Camtasia Editor to the wrong location when restoring the window
Added ability to move playhead to a location where no media has been added
Fixed a crash that could happen when previewing a transition after previewing a media in the Media Bin
Fixed issue to allow sharing to Video Review from outside the United States
Added ability to export a zipped project for filenames longer than 260 characters
Fixed issue where a duplicate cursor would display after a stitching media
Fixed problems with variable-bit -rate MP3 files that could cause skips or glitches
Fixed intermittent crash while scrubbing the timeline
Fixed crash when extending the beginning of an MP4
Added an error message when importing a corrupt .trec file
Fixed crash when exporting to MP3
Tool menus no longer persist when switching between tools using keyboard shorcuts
Fixed issue that caused canvas to resize when dragging media into the Camtasia Editor
Fixed issue issue for incorrect display of location to drag media
Fixed issue exporting images to the JPEG format
Fixed issue that caused animations to shift when unstitching media
Fixed issue with location of the canvas when it has been detached
WinXP/7安裝需要.NET Framework 4.0或更高版框架
8.6版本適用於Windows XP或更高版32位、64位系統;