文件搜索神器 Everything v1.4.1.965
Everything 是速度最快的文件名搜索軟件。其速度之快令人震驚,百G 硬盤幾十萬個文件,可以在幾秒鐘之內完成索引;文件名搜索瞬間呈現結果。它小巧免費,支持中文,支持正則表達式,可以通過 HTTP 或FTP 分享搜索結果。如果不滿意Windows 自帶的搜索工具、Total Commander 的搜索、Google 桌面搜索或百度硬盤搜索,如果正在使用或放棄了Locate32,都值得推薦這款體積小巧、免安裝、免費、速度極快(比Locate32更快)的文件搜索工具Everything!
Everything 是一款硬盤文件名搜索軟件和HTTP/FTP 文件共享軟件,基於NTFS 索引來搜索文件;並能使用HTTP/FTP 協議簡單快速的來分享軟件。大多數人使用的是它的搜索功能,而對它的文件共享功能知之甚少,其實,使用其文件共享功能,完全可以打造一個家庭共享中心,讓移動設備共享播放電腦上的海量片源。
fixed an issue with using the wrong column index in LVM_GETCOLUMN.
fixed an issue with the es: url protocol.
fixed an issue with Everything holding onto volume handles after RegisterDeviceNotification fails.
fixed an issue with treating unmounted volumes as NTFS.
fixed another crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers.
fixed an issue when renaming a file or folder.
fixed a crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers.
fixed an issue with Everything not showing as an active window correctly.
fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu not working when creating a new window.
fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu.
fixed an issue with scheduled folder updates never occuring for network drives when waking from sleep.
fixed an issue when permanently deleting folders with really long filenames.
fixed an issue with gathering icons for files with paths longer than 260 characters.
fixed an issue with IPC query returning the incorrect total items.
fixed an issue with hidden windows staying hidden forever.
fixed an issue with rendering negative visible result items.
fixed an issue with saving column positions and widths.
fixed an issue with showing suggestions above the search box.
fixed an issue with context menus ignoring base keys.
fixed an issue with Everything resetting the sort after rebuilding the database.
fixed an issue with accessing offline volumes.
fixed an issue with comparing dc: to dm:
fixed an issue with attrib:d
improved folder indexing and rescanning performance.
access denied dialog will now prompt to install the Everything Service by default when Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is enabled.
http://www.voidtools.com/ Everything-
官方下載(Language Pack)