夜神安卓模拟器 NoxPlayer v6.6.0.1
夜神安卓模擬器是一款優秀的安卓模擬器,與傳統安卓模擬器相比,在性能、穩定性、兼容性等方面有著巨大優勢。優質遊戲的提供,軟硬件遊戲輔助的支持,讓娛樂性更強。玩家可以通過本軟件在電腦上玩手機遊戲, 感受更大的屏幕、更快的速度、更完美的操控體驗。
夜神安卓模擬器,電腦玩手游的新一代神器,真正實現了電腦上玩手機遊戲及應用, 讓移動互聯網再無邊界,打造電腦上的移動互聯網,有效融合移動端和PC端的應用,更好的服務於當下的互聯生活。
NoxPlayer will recommend the best performance settings based on different games
Sound settings added to the system settings
Allow users to change the speakers manually in case of problems.
Computer model added to the System info
Help users to get into BIOS to enable VT.
Controller icon added in the toolbar
The user interface of Video recorder
Allow users to use the Video recorder more convenient.
The width of the toolbar
Narrowed the toolbar when only show the icons.
The function of creating shortcuts
Allow users to create a shortcut of the game directly to the computer desktop
The content and the logic of some pop-ups
Provide a better experience for the users
The problem of PrtScn when changing the saving path of files