Camtasia Studio v2019.0.9 Build 17643/9.1.2 Build 3011 官網正式版
Camtasia Studio是一款屏幕錄製與視頻編輯軟件,可以將多種格式的圖像、視頻剪輯連接成電影,輸出格式可是是GIF 動畫、AVI、RM、QuickTime 電影(需要QucikTime 7.0 以上)等,並可將電影文件打包成EXE 文件,在沒有播放器的機器上也可以進行播放,同時還附帶一個功能強大的屏幕動畫抓取工具,內置一個簡單的媒體播放器。
軟件提供了直觀的操作界面、豐富的記錄功能,可對錄製後文件進行從圖像、聲音、字幕到過場特效等多種剪輯工具。編輯完畢的視頻,通過輸出嚮導(File -> Produce video as),可以生成多種規格、多種格式的視頻文件(如AVI、WMV、SWF、FLV、RM、MP4等等),以方便地用於網絡傳播、或保存到便攜式播放設備、或製作成視頻光盤。
最新版本的Camtasia Studio,在用戶界面做了一次改進,即使是第一次使用也毫不費力。首先,該軟件提供了全面的用戶幫助文檔和在線視頻教程,幫助您在最短的時間內掌握軟件使用技巧;其次,整個視頻製作流程都按照:錄製->剪輯->生成,這樣的3個步驟來執行,完全符合常規操作習慣。
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 9是個重大版本升級,Camtasia Studio朝著高品質的方向邁進,包括屏幕高清錄製、更專業的視頻編輯、更準確的視頻輸出等,尤其TSCC編解碼器升級TechSmith Screen Codec 2,能夠錄製高質量的平滑視頻,重構的時間軸能夠添加任意多的多媒體軌道,幫助你更快地剪輯視頻。軟件支持:Win7 /Win8/ Win10。
Camtasia Studio 提供的文件生成嚮導,可以幫助那些對視頻格式並不熟悉的用戶製作出符合需求的視頻文件。因為Camtasia Studio 顛覆了傳統的配置選項方式,而是以最終輸出類型為參考,如網絡博客、CD、iPhone、YouTube,甚至高清視頻等,這樣您就可以輕鬆選擇出最符合播放要求的配置形式,然後開始轉換。無論您是想錄製系統操作過程,還是製作富有創意的生動視頻,Camtasia Studio無疑都是最佳選擇之一!
WinXP/Win7需要安裝. NET Framework 4.0或更高版框架;
8.6版本適用於Windows XP及更高版32位及64位系統;
26 November, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.8
- Fixed issue that moved Camtasia Editor to the wrong location when restoring the window
- Added ability to move playhead to a location where no media has been added
- Fixed a crash that could happen when previewing a transition after previewing a media in the Media Bin
- Fixed issue to allow sharing to Video Review from outside the United States
- Added ability to export a zipped project for filenames longer than 260 characters
- Fixed issue where a duplicate cursor would display after a stitching media
- Fixed problems with variable-bit-rate MP3 files that could cause skips or glitches
- Fixed intermittent crash while scrubbing the timeline
- Fixed crash when extending the beginning of an MP4
- Added an error message when importing a corrupt .trec file
- Fixed crash when exporting to MP3
- Tool menus no longer persist when switching between tools using keyboard shorcuts
- Fixed issue that caused canvas to resize when dragging media into the Camtasia Editor
- Fixed issue issue for incorrect display of location to drag media
- Fixed issue exporting images to the JPEG format
- Fixed issue that caused animations to shift when unstitching media
- Fixed issue with location of the canvas when it has been detached
- Fixed crash while editing annotations set to extremely large scales
27 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.7
- Fixed an issue that caused delays in timeline edits for stitched media
- Fixed crash when loading projects with missing TREC files
- Updated to use the latest TechSmith Account integration
- SCORM 2004 editions are now listed in SCORM options
- Added option for Enterprise users to disable quizzing in the TechSmith Deployment Tool
15 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.6
- Fixed issue where context menu options are missing for annotations
- Fixed issue where some PDF files rendered with incorrect colors
- Updated XPDF library to version 4.01 to address the following CVEs where a user may have been vulnerable to a denial of service attack (crash or hang) when importing a PDF file CVE-2018-7173 CVE-2018-7174 CVE-2018-7175 CVE -2018-7452 CVE-2018-7454 CVE-2018-11033 CVE-2018-16368 CVE-2018-18651
8 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.5
- Camtasia now displays single user license keys during login
- Select webcams in the Recorder identified as USB Video Devices in Device Manager
- Fixed bug that causes imported MP4s loudness calculation to hang
- Fixed a bug that prevented Camtasia from exporting for Mac
30 July, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.4
- Fixed crash when audio files are analyzed for Noise Removal
- Fixed issue where invalid error dialog is shown when loading certain media
- Fixed Camtasia Recorder crash when holding down F9
- Fixed issue where Voice Narration m4a files contain faulty timing information
- Added recipient single email address validation in Quiz reporting options
- Fixed issue where theme fonts are not shown until Theme Manager opens
- Fixed issue where TechSmith Assets are not downloaded when asset name exceeds character limit
- Fixed crash when media is dragged to timeline
- Fixed issue where imported zipped projects do not open in Camtasia
- Thumbnails are now shown correctly on timeline for .trec and .camrec files
- Fixed issue where Windows 7 users are shown invalid warning dialog on startup
- Improved performance between Camtasia and newest Smart Player version
26 June, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.3
- Added support for Chinese language
- Fixed an issue where rare low-motion animated GIFs could cause Camtasia to crash
- Fixed an issue where some 60fps media did not trigger a prompt to change the project’s framerate
- Fixed an issue that caused users to be logged out of Camtasia after upgrading
- Fixed an issue that could cause colors to appear “washed out” when using hardware acceleration
- Added an animation when media are added to the Media Bin
29 May, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.2
- Fixed issue where m4a playback would not start until the entire file was downloaded
- Fixed issue where changes to Voice Narration text could be lost if they were the last thing changed before closing the application
- Fixed issue that could cause some characters to render incorrectly in text annotations
- Fixed issue that caused 16-bit .camrec files to render incorrectly
- Fixed problem rendering changes to Opacity when media are in a Group
- Fixed hang when closing the application after playing audio files with corrupt metadata
- Fixed issue where LUFS calculation could never be completed on audio files with corrupt metadata
- Fixed startup crash that occurred when the Windows username contained double-byte characters when the system locale was Japanese
7 May, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.1
- Fixed issue that prevented selecting the last line of a callout using Shift-DownArrow
- Fixed issue that caused user’s editing cursor to get stuck in callouts when font size changed
- Fixed issue that could prevent waveform rendering when using a stitch in conjunction with clip speed
- Spacebar now always plays or pauses playback, and ignores the currently focused button
- Improved support for respecting users’ machine language settings regarding numbers on the Properties panel
- Update mp4v2 resolving: CVE-2018-14054, CVE-2018-14325, CVE-2018-14326, CVE-2018-14379, CVE-2018-14403, CVE-2018-14446
- Changes to track height are now saved with the project
- Fixed issue that could cause unwanted changes to effect timings when stitching and unstitching media
- Fixed issue that caused a crash when importing very old camrec files
- Fixed issue that caused animated GIF files to only show the first frame during Media Bin preview
- Improved snapping behavior when trimming multiple media at once
30 April, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.0
- Added ability to automatically adjust audio levels with defined Loudness Units Full Scale (LUFS) normalization.
- Added new mouse cursor effect to smooth out cursor movements.
- Expanded number of customizable product hotkeys and shortcuts.
- Added new Block Text style for annotations.
- Added properties to adjust vertical and horizontal text spacing in annotations.
- Added Whip Spin transition .
- Add ability to include logos and images to Themes.
- Added additional device frames for download in TechSmith Assets.
- Added “Open in Camtasia” option for TechSmith Asset downloads.
- Improved SmartFocus functionality.
- Updated Canvas preset sizes to match more modern devices and platforms.
- Added support for importing and using PDF files.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Camtasia Recorder to record a black frame at the beginning of recording.
- Fixed an issue preventing H.263-encoded mp4s from playing back properly.
- Fixed a problem that impacted editing performance on systems with Intel Integrated graphics processors when scaling down large images.
- Fixed a problem that impacted editing performance on systems with Intel Integrated graphics processors when applying Behaviors to text callouts.
- Fixed a crash that could occur while editing a clip with both a stitch and the clip speed effect applied.
- Fixed an issue that could cause audio clips to seek incorrectly across splits.
- Retired FTP output.
- Retired ability to add new Legacy Callouts to a project.
- Update mp4v2 resolving: CVE-2018-14054, CVE-2018-14325, CVE-2018-14326, CVE-2018-14379, CVE-2018-14403, CVE-2018-14446.
for Windows:
for Mac:
8.6.0 Build 2079 官方版安裝包