反惡意軟件Gridinsoft Anti-Malware v4.1.20 Build 4654
GridinSoft Anti-Malware(以前稱為木馬殺手)是一種出色的反惡意軟件解決方案。它快速,有效,可靠。GridinSoft防惡意軟件專門用於自動刪除病毒,殭屍程序,間諜軟件,鍵盤記錄程序,特洛伊木馬,軟件和rootkit,而無需手動編輯系統文件或註冊表。這個終極刪除工具具有令人敬畏的功能,不會留下任何最狡猾的惡意軟件。GridinSoft Anti-Malware還修復了惡意軟件引入的系統修改,遺憾的是,一些流行的防病毒掃描程序經常忽略這些修改。該程序掃描啟動時加載的所有文件,包括廣告軟件,間諜軟件,遠程訪問特洛伊木馬,Internet蠕蟲和其他惡意軟件。
GridinSoft Anti-Malware提供高速系統掃描。在主動模式下,系統不會減速。該程序具有用戶友好和簡單的界面,並在幾次點擊內擊敗惡意軟件,而不是長期無聊的手動程序。及時更新的數據庫可以保護您的PC免受特洛伊木馬和其他惡意軟件應用的侵害每小時更新可在每次需要時更新GridinSoft防惡意軟件。
GridinSoft Anti-Malware可幫助解決眾所周知的複雜防病毒產品問題。檢測到惡意軟件後,會在2-12小時內將其添加到GridinSoft數據庫中。最新的數據庫和智能算法可為您的PC提供最高級別的安全性。
慢速計算機和程序一樣令人討厭。GridinSoft Anti-Malware不是這種情況。它將在幾分鐘內有效且令人信服地修復您的PC。程序會在檢測到威脅後立即做出反應,並防止所有企圖破壞您的數據。
GridinSoft Anti-Malware在保護系統免受惡意軟件攻擊的領域中運行,以便為計算機系統提供安全性。它可以幫助您刪除黑客開發的煩人的廣告模塊,間諜軟件和其他惡意工具。毫無疑問,盡快恢復對受感染計算機的控制至關重要,而不會讓任何人有機會將您的個人信息用於有利可圖的目的。
v4.1.20 (December 30, 2019):
engine fixing in the MD5 checking procedure;
bug fixing for the 104.cdb database.
v4.1.9 (December 28, 2019):
just to make serious fix in the database handling flow;
a long sprint with major engine changes is finally over! The scanning speed and quality were increased. In addition, the Threat List has been widely reorganized and dozens of new threat families added.
v4.1.18 (December 17, 2019):
A desktop scanning for the quick scan has been added;
The bug that could occur while scanning archives has been fixed;
The bug with the tray icon displaying has been fixed.
v4.1.17 (December 12, 2019):
The creation of a restore point was repaired (newly arrived forces found a broken piece of code);
The quality of detection with regular expressions using was improved;
Links that interact with external resources were updated ( obtaining new licenses and other external stuff)
Several small usability tasks (custom scan page, displaying of a QR code, etc.)
(Android)https: //play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gridinsoft.trojanscanner