AnyDesk v5.4.0 多語言中文正式版- 免費小巧的遠程協助軟件
AnyDesk是一款號稱速度最快的免費遠程連接/遠程桌面控制軟件,據說是前TeamViewer開發小組人員自立門戶的產品,它擁有先進的視頻壓縮技術DeskRT,可輕鬆穿透防火牆/路由器,實測在電信、移動的跨網寬帶環境下,速度確實要比TeamViewer和QQ流暢。軟件潛力巨大……軟件支持Windows 10。
現如今網絡環境越來越複雜,防火牆、路由器、寬帶提供商等各種因素常常會導致很多「直連」的遠程控制軟件(如微軟的Remote Desktop) 操作緩慢甚至是連接錯誤。而AnyDesk 給人的印像是速度極快、反應流暢迅速,比起前輩TeamViewer 有過之而無不及,而且它體積還極為小巧。
AnyDesk 為了解決遠程桌面連接速度慢的問題,使用了名為DeskRT 的底層技術,內置了先進的視頻解碼器,使得在復雜的網絡壞境下依然能讓用戶體驗到流暢的遠程桌面控制。
AnyDesk 支持聲音傳輸、支持畫質設置、屏幕截圖,重點還支持與遠程電腦同步剪貼板!不僅是文字,即使是文件或文件夾,都能直接複製/粘貼到另一台電腦去,這點非常實用!功能還算比較豐富。
另外,AnyDesk 既可以以綠色軟件的方式運行,也可以安裝到系統上實現開機啟動、無人干預的情況下接受控制等。總的來說,AnyDesk 原生簡體中文、原生綠色免費、原生單文件、體積小巧,但功能卻很實用,使用也足夠簡單,整體速度較為流暢,應該可滿足很多人遠程控制需求。
雖然QQ 擁有遠程協助功能,但很多時候連接並不流暢,而且被控電腦那方也必須有人操作才行。因此,很多人會選擇TeamViewer 這樣更專業的遠程控制軟件。而免費流暢的遠程協助軟件無疑AnyDesk最好!
更新記錄: 21.11 . 2019 - 5.4 . 0 ( Windows ) NewFeatures-Implementedscreen privacy featureforWindows8and10.Enablingprivacy mode during a session will disable the monitor on the remote side so the screen contents are hiddenforanyonewithphysical access to the remote device.Inputfromthe remote side will be blocked automatically during privacy modeforthedefaultdesktop.- The session player can now jump to a specific point in time of the session recording . Fixed Bugs - Switching the desktop did not restore input block state . - Added dialog in case the remote side automatically denied a printer job due to permission settings . - Fixed automatic registration of aliases in custom namespaces in case of updating an installed custom client . - On trying to register an alias that was too long it was reported that registration failed because an alias has been registered already . - The remote state of NumLock has been altered before session start . - Fixed File Manager address field not handling 'Enter' . - A couple of buttons in the File Manager could be resized to size zero . - After switching sides the File Manager did not show the remote folder contents . - The File Manager did not show the session close dialog in case the session was closed from the other side . Other Changes - The install panel 's path edit now starts the installation on receiving ' Enter '. - Address Book items now offer to create a TCP tunnel. - The hotkey for entering fullscreen mode now also allows to leave fullscreen mode. - Changed the default value to enable the alternative set of permissions for Unattended Access to ' true '. By doing so the alternative set will be used directly after setting up a password for Unattended Access and using it to connect, effectively granting all permissions to the user connecting. 24.10.2019 - 5.4.0 (BSD) New Features - Privacy feature has been added Fixed Bugs - Fixed some special keys not beeing transmitted correctly (eg PgUp/PgDown) - Fixed a bug where the admin settings could be opened as normal user (but changes were not possible) - Fixed wrong settings page beeing displayed when opening global settings - Fixed a bug in the keyboard code - Fixed a bug where the wrong keyboard layout was used in some distros and on some loginscreens - Fixed several UI glitches - Fixed the admin link not beeing shown in the recording settings - Fixed the recording settings so that no useless config can be made - Fixed some minor glitches in the custom client - Fixed the display of the wrong error dialog in filetransfer - Fixed a bug where the wrong accept window page was re-used - Fixed onlinestates beeing shown incorrectly - Fixed a memory leak in the filetransfer - Fixed a crash/deadlock in the filetransfer - Fixed searching and typing in the filebrowser via keyboard - Fixed a bug where a network disconnect was not properly detected and took too much time - Fixed a bug that would release modifier keys after typing one character on certain configs - Fixed a bug where monitors of a secondary GPU were not accessible 25.09.2019 - 5.3.3 (Windows) Fixed Bugs - Discovered clients showed state offline on remote user image change. - System settings were accessible after installation without the need of entering credentials . - Fixed crash during update of Discovery tooltips. - Edit fields no longer make error sounds on pressing Enter, Escape and Tab. - Fixed display of focused state for listview items in list mode. - Quitting from the system tray was not possible. - Fixed crash related to scrolling in file transfer panel Other Changes - Updated translations. - Allowed to type into the address field directly after main window startup. - Added support for Android special keys: F5/Home/Pos1 -> Android Home F6/Backspace -> Android Back F7 -> Android Volume Down F8 -> Android Volume Up F9/Escape -> Android Power F10 -> Android Menu End -> Android DPAD Center 06.09.2019 - 5.3.2 (Windows) Fixed Bugs - Fixed the URL handler. Session requests from inside MyAnyDesk should work again. Other Changes - The URL handler now accepts any number of leading slashes directly before the ID (they will be ignored). 30.08.2019 - 5.3.1 (Windows) Fixed Bugs - Fixed a crash on opening the security settings. - Fixed a crash on cancelling a delete operation in the File Manager. 27.08.2019 - 5.3.0 (Windows) New Features - Added new set of permissions used during unattended access. Those permissions have to be enabled explicitly first and will override the default permissions only in case a session has been started using a password or token (unattended access). Fixed Bugs - TCP reverse rules where not saved correctly. - Keyboard input to VirtualBox wasn' t handled during translate mode or when connecting from Android . - Fixed tag grouping for non - latin characters . - Fixed cursor behaviour for systems using DPI per monitor . - Fixed close button of tabs in the accept window . - Discovery did not start after installation . - Fixed a bug occuring during connecting to Windows Terminal Server resulting in an unresponsive service . - According to the traces installation succeeded though the installer wasn 't even started . - Improved stability. - Discovery now (re-)starts when a network connection becomes available. - Extended Color ID feature to the search popup. - Extended information included in the app' Other Changes s title . - Extended information included in session tab titles . - The UI setting for session comments is now disabled in case the feature is not available . - Improved scam warning . 15.07 . 2019 - 5.2 . 3 ( Windows ) Fixed Bugs - AnyDesk did not open in foreground in case it was downloaded and started using MS Edge . 12.07 . 2019 - 5.2 . 2 ( Windows ) FixedBugs-Fixedselection box tool.-Fixedcrash on click on restart buttoninmiscellaneous settings.-Fixed'Change License Key...'buttonin the about panel . - The File Manager downloaded the same file twice in some cases . - Fixed handling of AltGr + a . This selected all text before and broke AltGr + a on polish keyboards . - Fixed blocker for incoming connections . - Fixed address not being shown correctly or incompletely in discovered clients . - The Address Book accepted malformed addresses and could not delete them anymore . - Fixed wrong address book being removed from the manage address books dialog while trying to delete a different one . - Fixed address action 'Drop Link' for qualified addresses ( AnyDeskID / domain / account ). - Fixed command line parsing of qualified addresses . - Fixed broken traces . - Fixed some tooltips . - Minor fixes . Other Changes - Discovered clients can be searched for now by using user name , Alias , client ID , machine name and operating system . - Improved display of search results . - Discovery items can now be added to the Address Book using their context menu . - Checkboxes and radio buttons can now be toggled using 'Space' . 07.06 . 2019 - 5.2 . 1 ( Windows ) FixedBugs-Somecontrols didnotrespond to mouse clickswhenthe mouse was moved between mouse downandup.-Thelistview showed a chat log button evenwhenthere wasnochat log.-Thediscovery section disappearedinsome situations. 06.06 . 2019 - 5.2 . 0 ( Windows )NewFeatures-Custom clients supporting only incoming session requests now use a minimal layout . Other Changes - Switch Sides is no longer supported for custom clients that cannot do both , connect and accept . - Extended command line interface . - Improved performance . 27.05 . 2019 - 5.1 . 2 ( Windows ) Fixed Bugs - Fixed a crash when AnyDesk could not find a preview image . Other Changes - Changed images for welcome panel . 23.05 . 2019 - 5.1 . 1 ( Windows ) Fixed Bugs - Fixed broken mouse handling in the search popup . - Fixed lost keyboard focus when switching from the File Manager to a monitor . - Fixed fullscreen mode on session start . - Fixed a crash during rights elevation . - Fixed discovery online states . - Added missing TCP permission setting . - Minor fixes Other Changes - Added a selection box tool . - Selected items will now scroll into the visible area automatically . - D3D fullscreen can now be minimized . - Changed TCP default permission to true . 14.05 . 2019 - 5.1 . 0 ( Windows ) New Features - Added TCP - Forwarding for running sessions . Fixed Bugs - Capture settings did not show any setting . - The Whiteboard did not work on Windows XP and on Windows 7 when Aero was disabled . - The request elevation feature did not work after switching sides . - When AnyDesk was running in the background for some time and the main window was started , it did not respond for several seconds under certain conditions . The main window should now react instantly to user input . - After installation no discovered clients where shown . - Fixed Discovery working only for simultaneously running clients of the same type . Now all instances of AnyDesk should be able to use Discovery simultaneously , for example when using vanilla and custom client at the same time . - The screenshot menu item was not available . - Fixed crash on popup close . - Fixed crash when pressing 'Retry' after session end . - Fixed crash in case AnyDesk could not get a cursor . - Fixed GDI fullscreen being resizable . - Fixed fullscreen mode when connecting to multi - monitor setups . - On incoming session request the screensaver did not turn off . AnyDesk now stops the system from turning it on during an active session or session request . - On incoming session request sleeping monitors did not turn on . AnyDesk now stops the system from turning them off during an active session or session request . - Improved performance by temporarily removing some tooltips . - Fixed drag operations started after closing an addresses context menu . - Fixed address items being clickable only in certain areas . - Fixed file transfer button in search popup . - Fixed bug that caused new entries to be added to the wrong Address Book . - Fixed synchronization of printer settings when using multiple instances of AnyDesk . - Minor fixes . Other Changes - The Address Book deletion confirmation dialog now lists the Address Books to be deleted . - On incoming chat messages AnyDesk 's toolbar and Windows' taskbar will now flash . - Moved connection trace to system folder . - Updated localizations .
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