Artweaver Plus + Portable 多語言中文註冊版
Artweaver Plus 7是一款繪畫和編輯工具,適合新手也適合專業的用戶使用,可通過軟件繪畫各種圖形。Artweaver Plus沒有photoshop那麼專業和復雜的功能,但是基本的繪畫小功能,本軟件全部都具備,而且她還能記錄你所有的操作步驟,可實現時候重放。
從軟件界面上來看,Artweaver Plus 很像早期版本的Photoshop,在功能上來說,比較全面的支持了日常所需的圖片或者相片編輯功能,是一個不錯的替代品。和Artweaver Free 相比,Artweaver Plus 多了不少功能,包括文件保護、可編輯的菜單快捷鍵、執行兼容的Photoshop 濾鏡、支持鋼筆、加載和保存一些預置的圖片過濾器等等。而軟件大小只多出零點幾兆。
Artweaver Plus支持中文,也支持輸入中文。輸入中文比較特殊,點擊文字工具後,需要再點擊工具欄最後一個按鈕,在彈出的窗口輸入中文。軟件支持BMP、GIF、JPEG、PCX、TGA、IFF、PNG跟Photoshop的PSD文件;支持圖層,可惜沒有PS的圖層混合屬性。Artweaver Plus還支持導入PS的筆刷樣式和手繪板。
總的來說,Artweaver Plus 體積小巧、安裝方便,是一款能為你節約時間和精力的繪圖軟件。Artweaver Plus 支持以下格式:BMP、GIF、JPEG、PCX、TGA、IFF、PNG、PSD
Artweaver Plus 7 Artweaver 7 is the next major version of Artweaver with many new features and improvements.
This new version highlights the following new features
- Improved brush handling and adjustments
- Simplified preset handling
- Interactive gradient tool
- Digital watercolor simulation
- Windows Ink Pen support
- Improved update
- Misc improvements / adjustments
Improved brush handling and adjustments
The whole brush handling has been changed to be more intuitive and easier to use. Therefore, the brush palette is removed, and all its settings are now also accessible on the brush tool property bar. Additionally, the brush editor has been enhanced and provides all possible settings of a brush in one place including a scratch pad to try out all those settings. Finally, the brush selector shows now a preview of the brush stroke and a history of recently used brushes.
Simplified preset handling
All presets and its selectors are now combined into one new media palette instead of being spread all around the application. Importing of preset is now also easier as there is only one import dialog which can import all supported preset files.
Interactive gradient tool
The enhanced gradient tool lets you interactively adjust the gradient properties and position while you are using the tool. And it also shows for all your changes a real-time preview.
Digital watercolor simulation
There is a new Watercolor brush type which simulates a digital watercolor brush. In combination with paper texture there are good watercolor simulation results possible. Together with this new brush type there is also a new Watercolor brush preset category with various variants.
Windows Ink Pen support
Besides the common used Wintab interface to retrieve pressure information from tablets and pens, Artweaver now also supports the Windows Ink Pen interface for pen pressure information which has been introduced with Windows 10 and is today used by many mobile devices (eg tablets and laptops).
Improved update
For any available update there is now an update dialog shown on Artweaver startup which informs about the update and asks to install them. Afterwards the mandatory User Account Control is shown, and updates are downloaded and installed.
Misc improvements / adjustments
- Paper color is removed and is replaced by background or transparent color in tools and filters
- Text palette is removed, and additional text settings are now available as popup on text tool property bar
- Move tool shows transform controls for active layer to directly transforming it
- Text tool can be now also applied by double clicking outside the text area
- Layer duplication is enhanced with settings
- The size of filter dialogs is increased
- The history palette shows the last document saved state
- The current brush preview can be also used as custom icon
- Changes to impasto settings are now undoable
- Automatic saved recovery information is now in Awd format instead of events which makes the recovering faster and more reliable
- Tablet mode is removed
軟件下載地址: 提取码:qahm