文字編輯器EditPlus v5.2 Build 2386
一套功能強大,可取代記事本的文字編輯器,擁有無限制的Undo/Redo、英文拼字檢查、自動換行、列數標記、搜尋取代、同時編輯多文件、全屏幕瀏覽功能。而它還有一個好用的功能,就是它有監視剪貼簿的功能,能夠同步於剪貼簿自動將文字貼進EditPlus 的編輯窗口中,讓你省去做貼上的步驟。另外它也是一個好用的HTML 編輯器,除了可以顏色標記HTML Tag (同時支持C/C++、Perl、Java) 外,還內建完整的HTML 和CSS1 指令功能,對於習慣用記事本編輯網頁的朋友,它可幫你節省一半以上的網頁製作時間,若你有安裝IE 3.0 以上版本,它還會結合IE 瀏覽器於EditPlus 窗口中,讓你可以直接預覽編輯好的網頁(若沒安裝IE,也可指定瀏覽器路徑)。
Version 5.2 BUILD 2384 (2019-06-27)
– Fixes an issue where function list could have wrong selection if document view was split.
– Fixes an issue where creating a new remote file from directory window could produce error message.
– Fixes an issue where Save As Remote dialog box could have wrong initial value for Encoding option.
– Improves speed for large column selection.
– Fixes an issue where User Toolbar position could be restored incorrectly between sessions.
– Fixes an issue where Find box in the function list couldn ‘t handle ctrl+backspace and ctrl+delete.
Version 5.2 (2019-05-07)
=== Features ===
– Supports a native version for Windows 10 on ARM.
– Makes Open/Save Remote dialog box modeless so that it wouldn’t block other tasks.
– Adds ‘Insert matching tag automatically when typing >’ option ( ‘Preferences’->’General’).
– Directory window supports ‘Add to Favorites’ menu in the right moues button.
– Adds ‘Join Lines with Spaces’ menu command (‘Edit’->’Format’)
– Adds ‘Sort all open files’ option in the Sort dialog box.
– Tile Vertically/Horizontally command now does not minimize other windows.
– Toolbar button for Join Lines with Spaces command.
=== Bug fixes ===
– Fixes an issue where Code Folding feature could cause program crash.
– Fixes an issue where file list in directory window could be unsorted in some drives.
– Fixes an issue where FTP transfer could disable keyboard and mouse input in the program window.
– Fixes an issue where ‘View in Browser’ command on remote files could make the program unresponsive.
– Fixes an issue where FTPS feature didn’t work on some machines with ‘access is denied’ error message.
– Fixes an issue where ‘Cancel’ button on the FTP transfer dialog box didn’t work correctly.
– Fixes an issue where ‘Transfer type’ option in the Upload dialog box didn’t work correctly.
– Fixes an issue in Open Remote dialog box where ‘Encoding’ option didn’t have effect.
– Fixes an issue where selecting a deleted remote file from recent file list could cause program crash.
– Fixes an issue where ‘Sync Directory’ menu option could cause program crash in remote files.
– Fixes an issue where Abort button didn’t work correctly when uploading multiple files.
– Fixes an issue where saving changes didn’t work correctly when closing remote files.
– Fixes an issue where the directory window couldn’t show the file filter list correctly.
– Fixes an issue where Function List could cause memory leak.
– Fixes an issue where ‘View’->’Column Markers’ menu option didn’t retain the value between sessions.
– Fixes an issue where ‘Ansi to HTML Entities’ command didn’t work when ‘Whole word only’ find option was turned on.
– Fixes an issue where ‘Sort’ command was missing in the function list.
– Fixes an issue where ‘ Sort’ command didn’t work correctly in the cliptext list.
– Fixes an issue where function list could be empty when closing inactive document from the tabs.
– Fixes an issue where ‘More’ button in the Find dialog box could display wrong window size .
– Fixes an issue where #AUTOCASE statement in syntax file didn’t work correctly in some cases.
– Fixes an issue where cliptext item could be inserted with wrong indentations in some cases.
– Fixes an issue in Output Window where changed color settings wasn ‘t applied immediately.
– Fixes an issue where auto completion would unexpectedly initiate in column editing mode.
官方下載( hotfix)
網盤下載( x64簡體中文漢化版V2 +歷史版本)
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZWo-UUjvpyI258eo4xpXTg 提取码:5ftg