Mirillis Action! v3.8.0+Portable 多語言中文註冊版附註冊碼-高清錄製
Mirillis Action!是一個卓越的高清屏幕錄像軟件。使用它錄製的視頻可以完美還原Windows Aero的高清效果!完美支持Win7 & Win8.1 & Win 10,實時錄製正在運行的高清遊戲視頻,遊戲幀率顯示(FPS),並可以添加實時音頻評論,以創造高品質的遊戲視頻教程;當然你還可以使用它來錄製網頁播放視頻、錄製音樂、捕捉屏幕截圖等等!
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件屏幕錄製軟件支持以超高的高清視頻質量直播和實時錄製Windows桌面。使用Action! 屏幕錄製軟件您可以錄製和直播您正在玩得遊戲,網絡播放器視頻,錄製音樂,屏幕截圖,添加攝像頭畫面,麥克風聲音等等!
此款高清屏幕錄製作軟件是強烈推薦的,特別是錄製網絡上的視頻,可以說它是最好的。此軟件完美支持Windows 7和Windows 10系統。2.0版界面完全重新進行了設置,更適合在Win10下使用,比老版更漂亮一些,運行更流暢一些。有錄製屏幕視頻的特別推薦使用。
Action! allows real-time recording/capture of Windows Aero desktop in a superb HD video quality. With Action! you can record web player videos, your gameplay, display game framerates, add live audio commentary to create high quality tutorials, record music, capture screenshots… and more!
Record your gameplay in HD. Benchmark games performance.
Action! outstanding performance and GPU utilization allows the smoothest real-time HD gameplay video recording ever! Display current and average game framerate (FPS) during gameplay and save your benchmark results.
最受歡迎的屏幕錄製軟件和遊戲錄製軟件– Action!屏幕錄製軟件概述
1. 界面最友好最時尚屏幕錄製軟件!
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件設計緊湊,時尚,用戶使用界面友好。內置屏幕和遊戲錄製管理器允許瀏覽,刪除所選項目並將錄製視頻導出為主流的格式和設備。Action! 屏幕錄製軟件為遊戲基準測試,遊戲和Windows桌面實時錄製軟件定義了新的用戶體驗標準。
Mirillis Action!屏幕錄製軟件提供綠色屏幕錄製模式。在視頻錄製中錄製的攝像頭畫面時可刪除背景。無需專業相機,只需要Action! 屏幕錄製軟件和任意純色背景,最佳視頻錄製服務最便宜的解決方案。
3. 攝像頭或USB/HDMI視頻錄製設備
4. 使用可選應用錄製選項進行屏幕錄製
5. 遊戲錄製保證高清基準遊戲畫面。
6. 卓越的屏幕錄製性能!
Action!屏幕錄製軟件為遊戲和桌面錄製軟件定義了新的性能標準。它使用Mirillis超快速,多核優化的專有視頻編解碼器(FICV –快速內部壓縮視頻標準),高度優化的應用引擎一起提供實時高清視頻錄製的終極性能。Action!還可以使用NVIDIA NVENC,AMDAPP或Intel® Quick Sync Video硬件加速。
7. 直播遊戲和桌面動作到主流服務平台!
Action!屏幕錄製軟件直播服務讓您將所有遊戲,視頻或桌面活動直播到主流流媒體服務平台,如Twitch.tv,YouTube,Smashcast(hitbox),Ustream,Livestream,Facebook,Aliez等等!用Action! 屏幕錄製軟件現場直播簡單而有趣!
8. 不要錯過有時差的遊戲時刻
9. 屏幕和遊戲錄製4K畫面為您呈現!
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件支持各種高分辨率視頻錄製,從單顯示器(支持AVI和MP4文件格式)的2K,3K,4K屏幕錄製,到AMD Eyefinity或NVIDIA 3D Vision設置的8K以上效果(支持AVI文件格式)。
10. 屏幕錄製採用Intel® RealSense™ 技術,攝像頭背景自動刪除。
下載並安裝Action!屏幕錄製軟件,採用Intel® RealSense™技術支持,背景自動刪除,將攝像頭畫面添加到您的屏幕以及遊戲錄製中!
11. 支持將Windows桌面和遊戲錄製的視頻上傳到YouTube™ 或者Facebook.
將您的屏幕錄製視頻導出並上傳到諸如YouTube™ 和Facebook之類的熱門社交平台。Action! 屏幕錄製軟件為YouTube™和Facebook提供預定義的導出配置文件,只需點擊按鈕即可快速簡便地導出並自動上傳您的屏幕或遊戲錄製視頻到您最喜歡的社交平台上。
12. 軟件支持流暢高清Windows桌面錄製,屏幕錄製和簡便地視頻教程創作!
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件為實時屏幕錄製軟件定義了新的性能標準和用戶體驗。流暢錄製Windows桌面和應用程序活動的高幀率高清視頻,可添加麥克風聲音,輕鬆創建精彩教程!
13. Windows桌面屏幕和遊戲持續錄製!
14. 導出屏幕和遊戲錄製視頻到主流格式和設備!
選擇眾多預定義的配置文件,然後點擊按鈕將屏幕錄製導出為主流格式,設備格式,Facebook or YouTube™.使用快速硬件加速視頻導出與NVIDIA® NVENC,AMD APP或Intel®快速同步視頻技術。
15. 支持將網絡攝像頭畫面添加到屏幕或遊戲錄製視頻中
16. 支持硬件加速技術,高清畫面令人嘆為觀止,支持MP4格式遊戲錄製!
Action!屏幕錄製軟件可以直接使用NVIDIA NVENC, AMD APP或Intel® Quick Sync Video 加速實時全高清60p視頻錄製為MP4 (H.264/AVC)格式。快速同步視頻加速。將您的PC屏幕,Windows桌面或遊戲直接錄製為MP4格式,視頻流暢,文件超小。
17.使用免費版Action! RCU應用程序,監視和控制您的屏幕或遊戲錄製。
在安卓移動設備上安裝免費版Action! RCU應用程序,可查看和控制您的Action! 遊戲和屏幕錄製!使用Action! RCU應用程序,您可以查看fps,開始,停止或暫停屏幕錄製等。現在試試!
18. 遊戲錄製實現出色的慢動作效果
遊戲和桌面錄製短片效果無與倫比!使用Action! 120fps錄製選項可創建高質量,流暢,慢動作效果,讓您的遊戲或屏幕錄製更有趣和更加原創!
19. 支持羅技G13/G15/G19多媒體鍵盤
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件可連接羅技G13/G15/G19多媒體鍵盤,為職業遊戲玩家帶來極致體驗。使用Action! 屏幕錄製軟件和羅技鍵盤LCD面板,您可以查看遊戲或屏幕錄製FPS,平均FPS,屏幕錄製時間,可用磁盤空間等。所有數據都清晰而且有序地顯示在軟件界面。
20. 屏幕錄製流暢,支持實時網絡視頻錄製。
從網站和其它應用程序實時錄製視頻。Action! 屏幕錄製軟件允許從定義的顯示區域,選定的應用程序窗口或全屏模式錄製視頻。使用Action! 屏幕錄製軟件您可以從任何網絡播放器錄製視頻,無論您使用哪種視頻服務!
21. 捕捉Windows屏幕和遊戲截圖
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件,可以捕獲遊戲或桌面的多個屏幕截圖。只需摁下熱鍵,屏幕截圖將直接保存到硬盤文件,而不會中斷您的工作或遊戲。
22. 添加在線音頻到您的屏幕和遊戲錄製
23. 快速簡便的屏幕錄製播放。
Action! 屏幕錄製軟件內置超響應視頻播放器,專為AVI和MP4屏幕以及遊戲錄製播放而優化。只需雙擊Action! 屏幕錄製軟件的屏幕或遊戲錄製縮略圖上開始播放!
24. 錄製您說聽到的聲音
Action!屏幕錄製軟件不僅僅是屏幕錄製軟件。它可以錄製您在PC上聽到的所有內容。錄製功能支持錄製所有聲音、音樂和遊戲音頻。使用麥克風可以輕鬆創建podcasts。另外Action! 屏幕錄製軟件可以實時編碼M4A格式錄製的音頻,使錄製的音頻文件小巧緊湊。
Added full support for recording/streaming Microsoft Store/UWP apps (please make sure to remove any excluded UWP apps from Action!’s exclude list)
Fixed problems with recording 64-bit DirectX 9 applications
Fixed compatibility with Activision products (COD WW2, Black Ops and other new titles)
Stability improvements
Added possibility to force custom MP4 video bitrate (select from 1 to 100Mbps in video settings)
Added recording start delay counter (available in general settings)
Added hotkeys for showing/hiding Browser Source overlays (in hotkeys settings) 3.7 .0更新記錄:
– NEW FEATURE: Automatic repair of corrupted MP4 and M4A recordings! (Now you will never lose any recording even when power gets cut off or your system crashes during recording)
– NEW FEATURE: Advanced microphone noise suppression has been added (configuration in microphone settings)
– NEW FEATURE: System performance monitor displayed on HUD with lots of useful information like CPU/GPU usage CPU/GPU RAM usage, CPU temperature and network adapter usage (plugin installation needed – read more on Mirillis Facebook)
– Fixed drawing panel translations for some languages
HOT FIX: Recording microphone in audio recording mode has been fixed (mono sound was recorded instead of stereo)
Time-shift is now reset after closing application/game to which it was connected (this allows easy switching between applications )
Action! UI has been reorganized to allow easy setup of up to 3 audio sources in the main application view
Switching between recorded applications in game recording mode has been fixed
Fixed Windows 10 display scaling support (in full screen and region mode)
Added microphone and system sound volume notifications on HUD
Added microphone pan/balance setup (in microphone settings)
Added Turkish and Hungarian translations
Translation improvements
Read more and download the latest Acti
Fixed auxilary audio recording (to separate file) when recording is started with time-shift running in the background
Action! language translations are now stored in XML files for easy creation of new localizations (lang and lang_ex folders)
GUI improvements
Stability fixes
Action! 3.5.4更新記錄:
IMPORTANT fix for systems with Nvidia SLI setup with no H.265/HEVC encoding support (NVENC was not used for encoding)
Fixed closing/crashing of some Windows Store Apps when Action! was running (UWP applications must be recorded in Active Screen mode from now on)
Automatic detection of UWP applications and excluding them from monitoring
Fixed adding of exluded processed from restricted locations (like Windows Store Apps)
Action! 3.5.2更新記錄:
IMPORTANT live streaming stability and video quality improvements for Intel/Nvidia/AMD GPUs
Action! 3.5.1更新記錄:
– HOT FIX: streaming to Twitch error #3000 has been fixed
– HOT FIX: green/corrupted video while streaming to YouTube has been fixed
– Fixed maximum Ultra quality bitrate when encoding with Intel Quick Sync Video acceleration
Action! 3.5.0更新記錄:
Big improvements in live streaming quality (strict-CBR, AMD AMF improvements and more…)
Selection between Variable and Constant framerate (with automatic fallback to VFR when performance is not good enough for CFR)
120 and 144fps (HFR) MP4 recording (for slow motion purposes)
Support for 120 and 144fps playback in ActionPlayer
Excluded processes list is now supported within Action! (Settings->General->Advanced settings group)
Fixes for the latest Windows 10 update
Large improvements in video recording performance (with vsync disabled)
Fixed problems with recording on systems that have virtual surround software installed (like Nahimic)
Improved high bitrate AVI recording on systems with hybrid hard disks (SSD + HDD). We still recommend normal HDD or SSD for high bitrate video recording
Browser overlays now accept keyboard input (for example you can logon to YouTube to allow YouTube chat overlay)
Fixed Action! not working properly from certain disk locations
Audio/Video desynchronization when streaming during high CPU usage has been fixed
Fixed frame stuttering when recording video from Elgato/Hauppauge and other devices that capture MPEG-2 transport stream
Fixed AVI freezing during high CPU usage
Fixed webcam stuttering during high CPU usage
4K/UHD (150% size) HUD for resolutions above 2560×1440
Moved browser/URL sources setup to live streaming tab
Moved selected (private) application recording setup from video settings to main video tab
GUI improvements (duration editing with editbox etc.)
– Performance improvements in device recording mode with recording preview enabled
– Stability fixes
Updated RTMP servers for Twitch and Smashcast services (please make sure that you have the correct streaming server set after the update)
Fixed Action! long startup time
Fixed push to talk mouse hotkey assignment
Added Webcam size/position controls in Webcam Settings window (like in Action! version 2.x)
Improved webcam cropping
Disabled changing video composition during recording (to not allow accidental overlay layout change)
Fixed problem with dissapearing preview when recorded game/application does not refresh
AVI recording preformance improvements
Fixed problem of not locking Action! to selected 3D application (if more then one is running)
Fixed conflict of Action! HUD with Uplay and Steam overlays
Added disabling of fast OpenGL recording path on Intel GPUs (where problems occur which pixelated video)
to enable this workaround please place an empty slowintel.txt file in Action! installation folder
3.1.1 更新記錄:
Critical fix for Windows 7 (HW accelerated webcam decoding initialization could crash Action! on startup on old Intel drivers)
Fixed support for Angle engine
Added recording timer (like in version 2.x)
Added streaming icons in status bar
Fixed audio only recording duration
2. 禁用網絡(Internet)
5. 用防火牆阻止程序聯網,否則註冊碼會失效,切記,建議使用NOD32安裝套件帶防火牆或者使用本站提供的Free Firewall免費防火牆 別跟我說你用360、金山、電腦管家,因為我看到這些軟件想吐!
特別說明: 此軟件會偽裝其它正常軟件去連網,故只要打開此軟件有連網動作,一律阻止。
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K0NR6efaFfb-w41278TFxw 提取码:1eun