Windows 10/Office 2016終極促銷:一折拿下
Windows、Office正版推廣的一大障礙就是價格過高,尤其是對於國內消費者而言。現在,機會來了!有微軟授權的在線軟件授權經銷商URCDKeys正在瘋狂打折促銷Windows 10 Pro專業版(OEM)、Office 2016 Professional Plus專業增強版的密鑰,全球通用,終生有效,中國地區用戶也可以購買。
Windows 10專業版原價55.68美元,現在只需14.76美元,降價幅度73%。
Office 2016專業版原價283.02美元,現在只需38.02美元,降價幅度87%。
有趣的是,外媒TechPowerUp還放出了一個特別優惠碼“TP20”,使用它還可以再降價20%,Windows 10專業版、Office 2016專業版就分別只要11.81美元、30.42美元,後者基本上就是一折了!
One thought on “Windows 10/Office 2016終極促銷:一折拿下”
Thanks, this method worked for me but It did not valid for long time so I recommend to buy product license key from Takenbest Store, which is a Microsoft legit site as I recently bought Windows 10 pro for my PC, Which is working well.
They accept PayPal and bitcoin payment and also offer lifetime warranty.
I’ll recommend it too bcz their customer support service is very good and fast.