Sublime Text 3 Dev Build 3179 x86/x64 Win/Mac注册版附注册机-文本编辑器
Sublime Text 3.1 已正式发布,新版本带来了更好的视觉体验和操作体验。文本渲染方面,现已支持 Ligature,并改进了 Windows 平台的文本渲染效果,此外在所有平台上更好的支持高 DPI。配色方案方面,采用基于 JSON 的新颜色方案格式,更容易定制。
Sublime Text是一个轻量、简洁、高效、跨平台代码,HTML文本的编辑器。你一定会喜欢这个漂亮的用户界面和非凡的功能。Symbol Indexing符号索引。 Sublime Text现在可以扫描你的项目中的文件,并建立索引文件包含哪些符号。这将备份的新功能转到定义和Goto中的符号项目,两者都可以从转到菜单。你一定会喜欢它华而不实的用户界面和强大的功能。
转到定义Goto Definition将带您到尖号下的符号的定义,而转到符号的项目会提示您选择通过模糊匹配一个符号,然后带你到该符号的定义。窗格管理。使用多个窗格工作,现在更高效,具有命令来创建和销毁窗格,并迅速窗格之间移动文件。你可以看到在查看/组,查看/焦点小组和查看/移动文件到集团新的选择。
SublimeText 程序员必备神器!它 支持但不限于 C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, Matlab, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TCL, Textile and XML 等主流编程语言的语法高亮。
同时Sublime Text 也是跨平台的,它有win和Mac版,界面和功能感觉和TextMate比较相似。此外他的窗口分组、项目管理、扩展工具、代码折叠方面都非常不错。他还直接支持vim模式呢!支持Windows 7 / Windows 10。
Sublime Text 的特色功能:
- 良好的扩展功能,官方称之为安装包(Package)。
- 右边没有滚动条,取而代之的是代码缩略图,这个功能非常赞
- 强大的快捷命令“可以实时搜索到相应的命令、选项、snippet 和 syntex, 按下回车就可以直接执行,减少了查找的麻烦。”
- 即时的文件切换。
- 随心所欲的跳转到任意文件的任意位置。
- 多重选择(Multi-Selection)功能允许在页面中同时存在多个光标。
- 支持 VIM 模式
- 支持宏,简单地说就是把操作录制下来或者自己编写命令,然后播放刚才录制的操作或者命令。
- 更新非常勤快
Sublime Text 3.1 更新记录:
Since version 3.0 we’ve been shipping frequent dev builds, refining Sublime Text for a more polished experience all-around. Those dev builds are now rolling out to everyone as Sublime Text 3.1. The full changelog for 3.1 includes every detail, but the following are some we’d like to highlight:
* Windows 10/8.1 per-monitor DPI settings for handling mixed monitor configurations and on-the-fly DPI switching
* Lots of improvements for high DPI support on all platforms, including 8k monitor and @3x texture support
Text Rendering
* Ligature support, with controls for customizing OpenType features and stylistic sets
* An example of ligatures with Fira Code
* Improved text rendering on Windows, now respecting ClearType tuning
* Better handling of emojis in the editor control
Color Schemes
* A new color scheme format based on JSON, with easier customization and new features like hashed syntax highlighting
- Hashed syntax highlighting with the Celeste color scheme
- Improved selection rendering with expanded customization via color schemes
Syntax Definitions
* Syntax definitions for Git file formats to allow Sublime Text to be a better core.editor
* Highlighting of fenced code blocks in Markdown
* Python highlighted in a fenced code block
* Lots of TC39-track features have been added to the JavaScript syntax
User Interaction
* Goto References to augment Goto Definition
* Goto References shown in the symbol popup
* An improved Command Palette that can accept arbitrary user input and complex interactions
File System
* Expanded options for filtering files and folders from the sidebar
* Improved handling of filesystem notifications and symlinks
* Significantly improved memory usage – up to 30% in some cases
* Lots of little performance improvements and bug fixes
Build 3126更新记录:
- Added Indexing Status to the Help menu to give more information about what the indexer is doing
- Fixed a compatibility issue with some third party syntax definitions that include JavaScript.sublime-syntax
- Reduced the default number of worker processes used for indexing. This can be manually controlled via the index_workers setting
- API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2i
官网下载地址:(版本号 Build 3176)
Version: Build 3176
- OS X (10.7 or later is required)
- Windows – also available as a portable version
- Windows 64 bit – also available as a portable version
- Linux repos – also available as a 64 bit or 32 bit tarball
链接: 提取码:bokw