Wise Care 365 Pro v5.1.4.504 多语言中文注册版附注册码
Wise Care 365 – 号称世界上最快的系统优化工具!具有电脑体检、系统清理、系统优化、隐私保护、系统监视等功能,可精简系统、管理启动项,清理优化注册表;清理个人隐私数据,保护个人隐私;内置密码生成器,可根据一定条件生成密码;可选内存整理、文件粉碎、硬盘擦除、恢复丢失文件、计划任务关机、硬盘碎片整理等。利用此软件的系统清理,可以享受全世界最快的扫描速度,轻松加速你的电脑!
Wise Care 365,多功能系统优化软件!实际上它就是把该公司旗下的著名磁盘清理工具Wise Disk Cleaner和注册表清理工具Wise Registry Cleaner的二合为一,提供了全面的并且是易于使用的、高效的注册表、磁盘和其他系统实用程序,可以帮助用户轻松的提升电脑系统的性能。
5.1.4 更新记录:
Improved the search engine to improve its speed.
Support for exFAT file system.
Updated various translations.
GUI and usability improvements.
4.86 更新记录:
Improved the feature of creating system restore point.
Improved the function of System Tuneup.
Minor GUI improvements.
Minor bug fixes.
4.84 更新记录:
Improved the feature of obtaining the boot time.
Improved localization and language support.
Minor GUI improvements.
Minor bug fixes.
4.73 更新记录:
Improved the feature of PC Checkup.
Added Obsolete Windows Installer cleaning.
Improved Google Chrome Cache and Cookies cleaning.
Minor GUI improvements.
Updated various translations.
4.71 更新记录:
Improved the feature of System Protection.
Improved Windows Metro Cache cleaning.
Improved Mozilla Firefox History cleaning.
Minor GUI improvements.
Updated various translations.
4.65 更新记录:
Improved the feature of Disk Eraser.
Fixed the issue of losing custom Common Cleaner configuration.
Improved schedule task. It will skip unclosed browsers.
Canceled the cleaning for the downloads folder.
Updated various translations.
Other minor improvements.
4.64 更新记录:
Wise Care 365 keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
Fixed the issue of some users are unable to register.
4.63 更新记录:
Improved Microsoft Edge Cache and Cookies cleaning.
Improved Microsoft IE Cache and Cookies cleaning.
Updated various translations.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
4.62 更新记录:
Improved the feature of Advanced Cleaner.
Improved the register feature.
Updated various translations.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
4.61 更新记录:
Optimized the function of Disk Eraser.
Improved the feature of Advanced Cleaner.
Updated various translations.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
4.58.436 更新记录:
Optimized the function of registry defragmentation.
Improved the feature of System Protection.
Updated various translations.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
4.56.431 更新记录:
Improved the feature of exclusions.
Updated various translations.
Minor bug fixes.
Minor GUI Improvements.
官网下载地址:安装版 + Portable
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LfFdV4uiZw50frQT_ATRLA 提取码:pn1t