Google Chrome v87.0.4280.141 正式版發布
谷歌瀏覽器Google Chrome正式版迎來v87第三個維護版本發布,詳細版本號為v87.0.4280.141,上一個正式版v87.0.4280.88發佈於2020年12月3日,時隔35天Google又發布了新版Chrome瀏覽器,本次升級主要是更新了安全修復和穩定性改進及用戶體驗。

Chrome v87.0.4280.141 正式版(2021.1.7)
谷歌瀏覽器v86正式版主要更新,首先,本機文件系統API允許用戶向Web應用賦予對指定文件/文件夾的讀寫訪問權限,以帶來更輕鬆、友好的使用體驗。對於圖像/視頻/代碼編輯、以及辦公套件等使用場景來說,Chrome 86都將變得更加實用。其次,Chrome 86引入了後退緩存,用於用戶在先前訪問的頁面上實現即時導航。
谷歌瀏覽器v85正式版主要更新,引入Profile Guided Optimization(PGO),頁面加載速度平均提高了10%,這是一種編譯器優化技術,並且當CPU同時運行許多標籤頁或程序時,速度甚至得到了更大的提高。標籤頁得到了改進優化,標籤組可幫助從視覺上區分主題或任務標籤,甚至是標籤的優先級,可以折疊和展開以更輕鬆地查看需要訪問的選項卡組。
Chrome v87.0.4280.141,此更新包括16個安全修復程序。
[$20000][1148749] High CVE-2021-21106: Use after free in autofill. Reported by Weipeng Jiang (@Krace) from Codesafe Team of Legendsec at Qi’anxin Group on 2020-11-13
[$20000][1153595] High CVE-2021-21107: Use after free in drag and drop. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2020-11-30
[$20000][1155426] High CVE-2021-21108: Use after free in media. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2020-12-04
[$15000][1152334] High CVE-2021-21109: Use after free in payments. Reported by Rong Jian and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2020-11-24
[$15000][1152451] High CVE-2021-21110: Use after free in safe browsing. Reported by Anonymous on 2020-11-24
[$7500][1149125] High CVE-2021-21111: Insufficient policy enforcement in WebUI. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz on 2020-11-15
[$7500][1151298] High CVE-2021-21112: Use after free in Blink. Reported by YoungJoo Lee(@ashuu_lee) of Raon Whitehat on 2020-11-20
[$6000][1155178] High CVE-2021-21113: Heap buffer overflow in Skia. Reported by tsubmunu on 2020-12-03
[$N/A][1148309] High CVE-2020-16043: Insufficient data validation in networking. Reported by Samy Kamkar, Ben Seri at Armis, Gregory Vishnepolsky at Armis on 2020-11-12
[$N/A][1150065] High CVE-2021-21114: Use after free in audio. Reported by Man Yue Mo of GitHub Security Lab on 2020-11-17
[$TBD][1157790] High CVE-2020-15995: Out of bounds write in V8. Reported by Bohan Liu (@P4nda20371774) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2020-12-11
[$TBD][1157814] High CVE-2021-21115: Use after free in safe browsing. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2020-12-11
[$N/A][1151069] Medium CVE-2021-21116: Heap buffer overflow in audio. Reported by Alison Huffman, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2020-11-19
[1163626] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives
Google Chrome v87.0.4280.141 官方正式版離線安裝包64位
Google Chrome v87.0.4280.141 官方正式版離線安裝包32位
Google Chrome v87.0.4280.141 Mac版
Google Chrome v87.0.4280.141 官方帶在線更新升級功能版