最佳遠程協助TeamViewer v14.3.4730
敢問最好用的遠程操控工具是什麼,十有八九會將TeamViewer作為最終答案,真的有這麼神奇?和騰訊QQ相比較呢?可以這麼說,騰訊QQ有的 TeamViewer 有,QQ沒有的TeamViewer 也有!聽到這話估計操作很複雜吧?恰好不是,操作簡單的不得了,第一次使用TeamViewer 會自動產生一個ID,界面左邊是你的ID,右邊是對方的,而每一次密碼都不是固定的是隨機的,且你只要輸入對方ID即可控制對方的電腦。且TeamViewer 可愛之處在於將不再受限於路由器或者是防火牆的限制,支持穿越內網的限制,隨時連接隨時斷開,很給力吧,給你父母親的電腦也安裝上,人在外地依然可以幫到他們~
v14.3.4730 (2019-06-06):
The expert on the client side in TeamViewer Pilot sessions can now draw free-hand in addition to placing arrows
Fixed an issue which prevented VoIP from starting directly from the beginning of a TeamViewer Pilot session
Fixed a bug that prevented to copy & paste image bitmaps from one machine to another machine.
Fixed a bug that caused problems when executing uploaded PowerShell scripts within a session on a 64-bit machine as execution permissions for the 32-bit process have been used.
Fixed a bug that prevented the successful connection when using the–PasswordB64 parameter as input for the TeamViewer.exe file.
Fixed a crash that made it impossible to log in to File Box services during a presentation.
Fixed a bug that could cause connections to mobile devices to become stuck during connection establishment under certain conditions
Fixed a bug that caused an ID selection window to show under certain conditions when connecting to a remote device via an ID
Fixed a bug that prevented the Switch Sides functionality to work under specific conditions
Fixed a bug that caused the screen sharing widget to not update correctly with the current screen contents when hosting a meeting
Solved some other issues which caused crashes
Minor improvements and fixes
運行環境:Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10