驍龍855旗艦平台+超級視頻AI四攝聯想Z6 Pro新旗艦發布獲外媒一致好評
4月23日,聯想Z6 Pro發布,這款手機搭載了高通驍龍855旗艦平台並帶來了超級視頻AI四攝,主打高端性能以及拍照功能。聯想Z6 Pro配備了HYPER VIDEO功能,HYPER VIDEO是從硬件到軟件的超級視頻完整解決方案。該機一經發布,在國內外均引起廣泛關注,下面就一起來看看外媒對聯想Z6 Pro這款新旗艦的評價。
外媒NOTEBOOKCHECK對聯想Z6Pro進行了持續的報導,這一方面證明了外媒對於聯想Z6 Pro的關注,另一方面也說明國外用戶對於聯想這款新旗艦的認可和期待。

NOTEBOOKCHECK:TheLenovo Z6 Pro has been official for only 2 days (or since April 23, 2019) now.However, its maker claims to have accumulated about 200,000 ‘reservations’ forthe device online in China in 24 hours. These bookings can be made on siteswhere a device is to be sold, such as JD.com, so as to be sure of getting aunit when a given pre-order event begins.
(聯想Z6 Pro已於4月23日發布,上市2天時間,在24小時之內聯想Z6 Pro在線的預約銷量已經突破20萬台,目前在線預售在京東等主流電商品台進行,已確保每一位預約用戶都能順利預訂這款手機)
外媒TECHTHELED對聯想Z6 Pro的發布進行了跟踪報導。指出這款手機大大超出媒體預期,是一款不錯的產品。

TECHTHELED:TheLenovo Z6 Pro is out and it packs more of a punch than we would have expectedit to.To begin with, it looks so sleek it might as well have come from thefuture. The phone has a 17-layer 3D coating across its gradient back and thefront features just a tiny waterdrop notch in the middle of the 6.39 inchfullHD+ (2340 x 1080) AM OLED display. The notch hosts a 32MP camera and thedisplay also features a sixth-generation in-display fingerprint scanner.
(聯想Z6 Pro已經發布,這款新旗艦手機大大超出了我們的預期。這款手機外觀圓潤光滑,其優越的設計感好似來自未來一般。漸變色的背部採用了17層3D塗層,正面配備的是6.39英寸水滴全面屏,分辨率達到了2340*1080,採用AMOLED材質,前置攝像頭為3200萬像素,並且聯想Z6 Pro配備了第六代顯示屏指紋識別技術。)
另外,外媒北美電子發燒友聚集地androidheadlines對聯想Z6 Pro作了相關報導。他們認為聯想Z6 Pro是一款集成了眾多亮點優勢於一身的旗艦手機。2899元的起步價使得聯想Z6 Pro性價比不錯。

androidheadlines:Lenovohas announced its new flagship, the Lenovo Z6 Pro. The company has been teasingthis phone for a couple of weeks now, and it’s not finally here, with all thebells and whistles you’d expect out of a modern smartphone.
(聯想已經發了其最新的旗艦手機聯想Z6 Pro,在發布之前聯想已經醞釀了數週,從這部手機中,你可以感受到最新的科技和最時尚的設計。)

作為聯想最新發布的手機產品,聯想Z6 Pro搭載的驍龍855平台標明其定位旗艦的身份,這是聯想沉積多年的技術實力的結晶之作,不僅在國內引起廣大用戶的熱議,在國外也引來了一眾電子發燒愛好者的關注。目前聯想Z6 Pro目前已經於4月23日在京東開啟預約,並將在4月29日正式發售,其中6GB+128G配置售價僅為2899元,8GB+128GB售價2999元,8GB+256GB售價3799元,12GB+512GB售價4999元,喜歡的朋友可以前往預約購買。