VirtualBox v6.0.2 Build 128162 Win/Mac/Linux多語言中文正式版-免費虛擬機
VirtualBox –免費輕量級的開源虛擬機軟件!原先是德國一家軟件公司InnoTek所開發的虛擬系統軟件(已被SUN收購,而SUN已被Oracle收購後改名為Oracle VM VirtualBox),它不僅具有豐富的特色,而且性能也很優異。可以在Linux和Windows主機中運行,並支持在其中安裝Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista、Win7、Win8、Win10、Win2012、Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2019 )、DOS/Windows 3. x、Linux (2.4和2.6)、OpenBSD等系列的客戶操作系統。
面向Linux,Windows和Mac系統的開源和跨平台虛擬化軟件VirtualBox於今天發布了6.0.2正式版,允許用戶在相同或者不同主機上,通過虛擬機來運行各種操作系統。VirtualBox 6.0歷時數月開發,亮點包括將虛擬機導出至Oracle Cloud架構,大幅改善對高端顯示器的HiDPI和擴展支持,包括更優秀的顯示器檢測,為Windows 10 Version 1809用戶支持環繞立體聲,在Windows主機上為Hyper-V支持提供更強悍的性能。
VirtualBox 6.0同時還對用戶界面進行了較大調整,為用戶提供了更簡單直觀的圖形界面,基本上可以無障礙在短短幾分鐘內就完成虛擬機的設置。這些改進中還引入了全新的的資源管理器,讓用戶對來賓文件系統進行控制,在虛擬機和主機操作系統之間輕鬆複製文件。
其他值得關注的改進還包括對即將發布的Linux Kernel 4.20內核的支持,對Windows客戶端的3D圖形支持,在Linux和基於Solaris的客戶機上對VMSVGA 3D圖形設備模擬的支持,初步支持macOS Guest Additions,以及用於macOS客戶端的全新vboximg-mount工具。
VirtualBox 6.0還帶來了更好的音頻和錄製,改進了對連接和分離遠程桌面連接的支持,更好的串行端口仿真,網絡和iSCSI修復,VirtualBox Manager中對DHCP選項的支持,共享文件夾的性能改進以及對初始共享文件夾的支持OS / 2訪客添加。
VirtualBox 6.0.2 (released January 15 2019)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
- User interface: fixed creation of desktop shortcuts for starting virtual machines (bug #18207)
- User interface: allow the first run window to selecting host drives (bug #18230)
- User interface: fixed attaching empty host optical drives (bug #18223)
- User interface: implemented a new virtual optical disk creation window
- USB: modified Linux backends to reset USB devices (previously, most guest attempts to reset USB devices were ignored)
- PCnet: fixed a regression which caused some PCnet PCI guest drivers to not detect the emulated hardware (bug #18286)
- Linux hosts: fixed conflict between Debian and Oracle build desktop files (bug #18264)
- Linux and MacOS hosts: VirtualBoxVM command not accessible (bug #18257)
- Windows guests: multiple monitor fixes with VBoxSVGA graphics
- Windows guests: black screen with VBoxSVGA graphics when 3D is disabled (bug #18205)
- Linux guests: fixed building drivers on SLES 12.4 (bug #18213)
- Linux guests: fixed building shared folder driver with older kernels (bug #18238)
- OS/2 shared folders: fixed write regression introduced in 6.0.0 GA
VirtualBox 6.0.0 (released December 18 2018)
This is a major update. The following major new features were added:
- Implemented support for exporting a virtual machine to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- User interface: greatly improved HiDPI and scaling support, including better detection and per-machine configuration
- Major rework of user interface with simpler and more powerful application and virtual machine set-up
- User interface: a new file manager enabling user to control the guest file system and copy files between host and guest.
- Graphics: major update of 3D graphics support for Windows guests, and VMSVGA 3D graphics device emulation on Linux and Solaris guests
- Added support for surround speaker setups (as used by Windows 10 Build 1809)
- Added utility vboximg-mount on Apple hosts to access the content of guest disks on the host
- Added support for using Hyper-V as the fallback execution core on Windows host, to avoid inability to run VMs at the price of reduced performance
In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:
- Execution core: fixed single-stepping in certain circumstances (bug #17316)
- User interface: video and audio recording can now be separately enabled
- Audio/Video recording fixes and improvements
- Audio: better support for attaching and detaching remote desktop connections
- Serial port emulation fixes
- Serial ports: allow changing the serial port attachment while a machine is running (bug #6115)
- Networking: Added a workaround for older guests which do not enable bus mastering for the virtio PCI device
- Networking: fixed wrong RCODE from DNS AAAA query with –natdnshostresolver1 (bug #18171)
- iSCSI: In cases where there is no ambiguity, the LUN of an iSCSI target is automatically determined, for targets with non-zero LUNs
- Transparently resize disk images when merging if possible
- VBoxManage: support for DHCP options
- Fixed VNC/RDP (bug 18153)
- Guest Control: various new interfaces and features (see SDK documentation)
- Linux hosts: support Linux 4.20 (thank you Larry Finger)
- Solaris: installer fixes
- Shared folders: performance improvements
- Guest Additions: improved shared folder auto-mounting
- Windows Guest Additions: fix incorrect tablet co-ordinate handling with recent Windows 10 builds
- Linux Additions: fix for building vboxvideo on EL 7.6 standard kernel, contributed by Robert Conde (bug #18093)
- Linux guests: support Linux 4.20 (thank you Larry Finger)
- Linux guests: support VMSVGA in the Linux and X11 Additions
- MacOS Guest Additions: initial support
- OS/2 Guest Additions: initial shared folder support
- BIOS fixes
- ACPI: Up to four custom ACPI tables can now be configured for a VM
VirtualBox 5.2.22 (released November 09 2018)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
- Audio: fixed a regression in the Core Audio backend causing a hang when returning from host sleep when processing input buffers
- Audio: fixed a potential crash in the HDA emulation if a stream has no valid mixer sink attached — thanks to Rink Springer (rink@…)
- Windows hosts: fixed an incompatibility with recent versions of Windows 10 (bug #17977)
- Windows hosts: fixed a number of brigded networking driver crashes (bug #18046)
- Linux Additions: disable 3D for recent guests using Wayland (bug #18116)
- Linux Additions: fix for rebuilding kernel modules for new kernels on RPM guests
- Linux Additions: further fixes for Linux 4.19
- Linux Additions: fixed errors rebuilding initrd files with dracut on EL 6 (bug 18055#)
- Linux Additions: fixed 5.2.20 regression: guests not remembering the screen size after shutdown and restart (bug #18078)
VirtualBox 官方最新下載地址:
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VirtualBox 6.0.2 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack:
VirtualBox 5.1.30 Build 118389 支持XP版本
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