Mirillis Action! v3.5.3 + Portable 多语言中文注册版附注册码-高清录制
Mirillis Action!是一个卓越的高清屏幕录像软件。使用它录制的视频可以完美还原Windows Aero 的高清效果!完美支持Win7 & Win8.1 & Win 10,实时录制正在运行的高清游戏视频,游戏帧率显示(FPS),并可以添加实时音频评论,以创造高品质的游戏视频教程;当然你还可以使用它来录制网页播放视频、录制音乐、捕捉屏幕截图等等!
Action! 屏幕录制软件屏幕录制软件支持以超高的高清视频质量直播和实时录制Windows桌面。使用Action! 屏幕录制软件您可以录制和直播您正在玩得游戏,网络播放器视频,录制音乐,屏幕截图,添加摄像头画面,麦克风声音等等!
此款高清屏幕录制作软件是强烈推荐的,特别是录制网络上的视频,可以说它是最好的,此软件完美支持Windows 7和Windows 10系统。2.0版界面完全重新进行了设置,更适合在Win10下使用,比老版更漂亮一些,运行更流畅一些。有录制屏幕视频的特别推荐使用。
Action! allows real-time recording/capture of Windows Aero desktop in a superb HD video quality. With Action! you can record web player videos, your gameplay, display game framerates, add live audio commentary to create high quality tutorials, record music, capture screenshots… and more!
Record your gameplay in HD. Benchmark games performance.
Action! outstanding performance and GPU utilization allows the smoothest real-time HD gameplay video recording ever! Display current and average game framerate (FPS) during gameplay and save your benchmark results.
最受欢迎的屏幕录制软件和游戏录制软件 – Action!屏幕录制软件概述
1. 界面最友好最时尚屏幕录制软件!
Action! 屏幕录制软件设计紧凑,时尚,用户使用界面友好。内置屏幕和游戏录制管理器允许浏览,删除所选项目并将录制视频导出为主流的格式和设备。Action! 屏幕录制软件为游戏基准测试,游戏和Windows桌面实时录制软件定义了新的用户体验标准。
Mirillis Action!屏幕录制软件提供绿色屏幕录制模式。在视频录制中录制的摄像头画面时可删除背景。无需专业相机,只需要Action! 屏幕录制软件和任意纯色背景,最佳视频录制服务最便宜的解决方案。
3. 摄像头或USB/HDMI视频录制设备
4. 使用可选应用录制选项进行屏幕录制
5. 游戏录制保证高清基准游戏画面。
6. 卓越的屏幕录制性能!
Action!屏幕录制软件为游戏和桌面录制软件定义了新的性能标准。它使用Mirillis超快速,多核优化的专有视频编解码器(FICV – 快速内部压缩视频标准),高度优化的应用引擎一起提供实时高清视频录制的终极性能。Action! 还可以使用NVIDIA NVENC,AMD APP或Intel® Quick Sync Video硬件加速。
7. 直播游戏和桌面动作到主流服务平台!
Action!屏幕录制软件直播服务让您将所有游戏,视频或桌面活动直播到主流流媒体服务平台,如Twitch.tv,YouTube,Smashcast(hitbox),Ustream,Livestream,Facebook,Aliez等等!用Action! 屏幕录制软件现场直播简单而有趣!
8. 不要错过有时差的游戏时刻
9. 屏幕和游戏录制4K画面为您呈现!
Action! 屏幕录制软件支持各种高分辨率视频录制,从单显示器(支持AVI和MP4文件格式)的2K,3K,4K屏幕录制,到AMD Eyefinity或NVIDIA 3D Vision设置的8K以上效果(支持AVI文件格式)。
10. 屏幕录制采用Intel® RealSense™ 技术,摄像头背景自动删除。
下载并安装Action!屏幕录制软件,采用Intel® RealSense™技术支持,背景自动删除,将摄像头画面添加到您的屏幕以及游戏录制中!
11. 支持将Windows桌面和游戏录制的视频上传到YouTube™ 或者 Facebook.
将您的屏幕录制视频导出并上传到诸如YouTube™ 和Facebook之类的热门社交平台。Action! 屏幕录制软件为YouTube™和Facebook提供预定义的导出配置文件,只需点击按钮即可快速简便地导出并自动上传您的屏幕或游戏录制视频到您最喜欢的社交平台上。
12. 软件支持流畅高清Windows桌面录制,屏幕录制和简便地视频教程创作!
Action! 屏幕录制软件为实时屏幕录制软件定义了新的性能标准和用户体验。流畅录制Windows桌面和应用程序活动的高帧率高清视频,可添加麦克风声音,轻松创建精彩教程!
13. Windows桌面屏幕和游戏持续录制!
14. 导出屏幕和游戏录制视频到主流格式和设备!
选择众多预定义的配置文件,然后点击按钮将屏幕录制导出为主流格式,设备格式,Facebook or YouTube™.使用快速硬件加速视频导出与 NVIDIA® NVENC,AMD APP或Intel®快速同步视频技术。
15. 支持将网络摄像头画面添加到屏幕或游戏录制视频中
16. 支持硬件加速技术,高清画面令人叹为观止,支持MP4格式游戏录制!
Action!屏幕录制软件可以直接使用 NVIDIA NVENC, AMD APP或Intel® Quick Sync Video 加速实时全高清60p视频录制为MP4 (H.264/AVC)格式。快速同步视频加速。将您的PC屏幕,Windows桌面或游戏直接录制为MP4格式,视频流畅,文件超小。
17.使用免费版Action! RCU应用程序,监视和控制您的屏幕或游戏录制。
在安卓移动设备上安装免费版Action! RCU应用程序,可查看和控制您的Action! 游戏和屏幕录制!使用Action! RCU应用程序,您可以查看fps,开始,停止或暂停屏幕录制等。现在试试!
18. 游戏录制实现出色的慢动作效果
游戏和桌面录制短片效果无与伦比!使用Action! 120fps录制选项可创建高质量,流畅,慢动作效果,让您的游戏或屏幕录制更有趣和更加原创!
19. 支持罗技G13/G15/G19多媒体键盘
Action! 屏幕录制软件可连接罗技G13/G15/G19多媒体键盘,为职业游戏玩家带来极致体验。使用Action! 屏幕录制软件和罗技键盘LCD面板,您可以查看游戏或屏幕录制FPS,平均FPS,屏幕录制时间,可用磁盘空间等。所有数据都清晰而且有序地显示在软件界面。
20. 屏幕录制流畅,支持实时网络视频录制。
从网站和其它应用程序实时录制视频。Action! 屏幕录制软件允许从定义的显示区域,选定的应用程序窗口或全屏模式录制视频。使用Action! 屏幕录制软件您可以从任何网络播放器录制视频,无论您使用哪种视频服务!
21. 捕捉Windows屏幕和游戏截图
Action! 屏幕录制软件,可以捕获游戏或桌面的多个屏幕截图。只需摁下热键,屏幕截图将直接保存到硬盘文件,而不会中断您的工作或游戏。
22. 添加在线音频到您的屏幕和游戏录制
23. 快速简便的屏幕录制播放。
Action! 屏幕录制软件内置超响应视频播放器,专为AVI和MP4屏幕以及游戏录制播放而优化。只需双击Action! 屏幕录制软件的屏幕或游戏录制缩略图上开始播放!
24. 录制您说听到的声音
Action!屏幕录制软件不仅仅是屏幕录制软件。它可以录制您在PC上听到的所有内容。录制功能支持录制所有声音、音乐和游戏音频。使用麦克风可以轻松创建podcasts。另外Action! 屏幕录制软件可以实时编码M4A格式录制的音频,使录制的音频文件小巧紧凑。
Action! 3.5.2 更新记录:
IMPORTANT live streaming stability and video quality improvements for Intel/Nvidia/AMD GPUs
Action! 3.5.1 更新记录:
– HOT FIX: streaming to Twitch error #3000 has been fixed
– HOT FIX: green/corrupted video while streaming to YouTube has been fixed
– Fixed maximum Ultra quality bitrate when encoding with Intel Quick Sync Video acceleration
Action! 3.5.0 更新记录:
Big improvements in live streaming quality (strict-CBR, AMD AMF improvements and more…)
Selection between Variable and Constant framerate (with automatic fallback to VFR when performance is not good enough for CFR)
120 and 144fps (HFR) MP4 recording (for slow motion purposes)
Support for 120 and 144fps playback in ActionPlayer
Excluded processes list is now supported within Action! (Settings->General->Advanced settings group)
Fixes for the latest Windows 10 update
3.4.0 更新记录:
Large improvements in video recording performance (with vsync disabled)
Fixed problems with recording on systems that have virtual surround software installed (like Nahimic)
Improved high bitrate AVI recording on systems with hybrid hard disks (SSD + HDD). We still recommend normal HDD or SSD for high bitrate video recording
Browser overlays now accept keyboard input (for example you can logon to YouTube to allow YouTube chat overlay)
Fixed Action! not working properly from certain disk locations
Audio/Video desynchronization when streaming during high CPU usage has been fixed
Fixed frame stuttering when recording video from Elgato/Hauppauge and other devices that capture MPEG-2 transport stream
Fixed AVI freezing during high CPU usage
Fixed webcam stuttering during high CPU usage
3.1.4 更新记录:
4K/UHD (150% size) HUD for resolutions above 2560×1440
Moved browser/URL sources setup to live streaming tab
Moved selected (private) application recording setup from video settings to main video tab
GUI improvements (duration editing with editbox etc.)
3.1.3 更新记录:
– Performance improvements in device recording mode with recording preview enabled
– Stability fixes
3.1.2 更新记录:
Updated RTMP servers for Twitch and Smashcast services (please make sure that you have the correct streaming server set after the update)
Fixed Action! long startup time
Fixed push to talk mouse hotkey assignment
Added Webcam size/position controls in Webcam Settings window (like in Action! version 2.x)
Improved webcam cropping
Disabled changing video composition during recording (to not allow accidental overlay layout change)
Fixed problem with dissapearing preview when recorded game/application does not refresh
AVI recording preformance improvements
Fixed problem of not locking Action! to selected 3D application (if more then one is running)
Fixed conflict of Action! HUD with Uplay and Steam overlays
Added disabling of fast OpenGL recording path on Intel GPUs (where problems occur which pixelated video)
to enable this workaround please place an empty slowintel.txt file in Action! installation folder
3.1.1 更新记录:
Critical fix for Windows 7 (HW accelerated webcam decoding initialization could crash Action! on startup on old Intel drivers)
Fixed support for Angle engine
Added recording timer (like in version 2.x)
Added streaming icons in status bar
Fixed audio only recording duration
2.8.0 更新记录:
Added possibility to record selected audio device (ie. microphone) to a separate audio file. Check Recording microphone to separate audio file for game and screen recordings tutorial to learn more.
Added support for Elgato Game Capture HD60 S device (USB 3.0 required)
Improved Elgato capturing devices support
GUI improvements
2.7.3 更新记录:
NEW FEATURE: Microphone volume indicator on HUD (during recording)
Improved Hauppauge device detection
2.7.1 更新记录:
IMPORTANT: Fixed HUD hiding and hide HUD on Action! startup on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (corrupted desktop was visible)
Added possibility to assign -,+,[,],\,:,’ as hotkeys
Improved support for Avermedia C835 and C875 capture cards (supports both StreamEngine and Raw MPEG-2 capture)
2.7.0 更新记录:
NEW: Added HUD opacity setting (available for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 Desktop, D3D9, D3D10, D3D11, D3D12 and OpenGL)
NEW: Added support for Hauppauge PVR devices
Improved not recording visible HUD in desktop mode for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (visible on screen but not recorded)
Improved 10bit-per-pixel desktop recording (automatic detection of 30bit color desktop for NVIDIA Quadro and AMD FirePro GPUs)
Support/automatic detection for setups with both 10bit-per-pixel and 8bit-per-pixel monitors connected
Fixed sRGB video recording with multi-sampling enabled (D3D10/D3D11)
Fixed all major problems with OpenGL recording on AMD GPUs
Fixed recording performance for some OpenGL games
Fixed crashing when recording old OpenGL games
Fixed support for recording sRGB OpenGL applications
Fixed out of memory crash when recording/streaming 32bit games and applications that use lots of memory
Improved recording performance of Direct3D 9 games/applications (up to 25% performance increase)
Fixed problems with HUD hide/position change and screenshot hotkey detection
Fixed Farming Simulator 17 game recording
Overall performance improvements
2.右键以管理员方式运行Action_Run.bat文件, 该文件将自动进行软件注册,这其中你不要去操作电脑,等到DOS命令窗口自动关闭后,您就可以使用该程序了。
5.用防火墙阻止程序联网,否则注册码会失效,切记,建议使用NOD32安装套件带防火墙或者使用本站提供的Free Firewall免费防火墙 别跟我说你用360、金山、电脑管家,因为我看到这些软件想吐!
特别说明: 此软件会伪装其它正常软件去连网,故只要打开此软件有连网动作,一律阻止。
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cd3hh-UFW2_TBv0NFaRlLg 提取码:d1y6